
July 10, 2019

Everest Base Camp : Day 3 - Acclimatization Day in Namche Bazaar

I couldn't sleep. Turned left, turned right, counted sheeps. I was tired and sleepy, but somehow my body just won't shut down. It worried me cos I knew it is one of the symptom of AMS. Other than that, I was fine. It is considered as a mild symptom so it should be OK. But still, I was worried thinking about the higher altitude I'd be sleeping in the days to come. What if the symptom gets worse? I don't want to go home yet, not till I achieve my dream.

Went to the toilet, and saw this out of the window.

What a view ! Gotta enjoy this while doing my business hahaha.

dining area / common room at Khumbu Lodge

fried potato with vege, cheese & egg for breakfast

Today is my rest day. But rest day does not mean you can sleep in. Rest day actually means acclimatization day, which means I have to 'climb high, sleep low', meaning you hike to a higher elevation, and then return to sleep at a lower one. It's a chance for the body to adjust to the altitude.

I decided to hike to Hotel Everest View (3,880 metres) cos I wanna see Everest. The hotel, as the name indicates, is one of the few places along the EBC trek that you can actually see Everest.

But truth is, I didn't know how to go there so I just followed a group of hikers I came across while making my way through the village. My instinct told me they were also going for their acclimatization hike since they weren't carrying any big bags. For acclimatization in Namche Bazaar, most trekkers hike to Hotel Everest View or to the village of Khumjung.

Namche Bazaar 

It was a steep hike out of Namche Bazaar. While stopping to catch my breath, I made small talk with a lone sherpa, Ahmad (another made up name). Well guess what?? He worked in Malaysia many years before. What a coincidence! Oh he could speak Malay too. And he's also going to Hotel Everest View.

So I asked his permission to follow him. From then on, Ahmad kinda became my guide; looking after me during the hike, always making sure I was behind him. He was fast even though he was carrying almost 50kg load on his back but he'd always stop and waited for me *criess

my sherpa friend


We passed a plateau, where Ahmad told me it's an airport. Well, Syangboche Airport is just a dirt air strip sometimes used by helicopters to bring tourists up to Hotel Everest View.

Syangboche Airport

amazing view on the way to the hotel


Reaching the hotel, we bid goodbye to each other as he had work to do. He told me to go to the back patio for the view. So thankful that I met him. There weren't many people yet, so I grabbed a seat and ordered a cup of hot chocolate. The weather was still clear and I could see Everest in the distance. Be here early cos later in the day, fogs and clouds hide your view. 

hot chocolate

Everest in the background

A Chinese couple sat at a table next to me. Hearing their slang, I took a look and immediately asked, 'Are you guys from Malaysia? Or Singapore?' I guess today is my lucky day. Found new friends, Ken and Debbie, from my home country. 

Chocolate banana cake

Back at Namche in the afternoon, I spent my time at Namche Bakery again because other than their delicious chocolate cakes, I could charge my gadgets and use the WiFi for free! 

Then I went to find Ken and Debbie at Camp De Base (what are the odds) and Debbie gave me Diamox as I told them about my AMS symptom. We took a walk around Namche, checking out what the town has to offer. I had to buy a new pair of gloves as I lost mine coming back from Hotel Everest View earlier.




dental clinic

vege fried rice and garlic soup

That night during dinner I ordered garlic soup as it is good to reduce the AMS. Surprisingly, the taste wasn't that bad.

Took half a tablet of Diamox after considering all the pros and cons. Everyone has different advice about it. Plus, I should've taken it earlier cos Diamox is for prevention, not for treatment.

Then I thought of contingency plan if I still can't sleep tonight. Option number one, hire a porter to reduce the extra weight off my back and let my body rest. Option number two, hmmm I couldn't think of any. I wanted to save cost by doing everything independently, but I guess hiring a porter might be a good idea now. Protip: Always bring extra cash with you in case of emergency.

I must decide tonight on hiring the porter cos if I wait until tomorrow, it might be late cos I need to make a move to Tengboche in the morning. And the higher I am, other unexpected issue might occur, plus it might be harder to find available porter (you can't simply hire anyone cos they need to be insured as well). I can't afford to waste any day cos I'd risk missing my flight back to Lukla and KL if I do.

So I whatsapped Mohan, my friend from Thamel Hostel (the hostel I stayed in Kathmandu). He owns a trekking agency as well. Mohan told me to text him in case I have any problems on the mountain so I asked him whether he could help me find a porter. Mohan replied right away, 'No problem. I'll send someone for you tomorrow morning'. Oh wow.

Elevation at Namche Bazaar: 3,440 m
Elevation at Hotel Everest View: 3,880 m
Day's elevation change: +440 m
Sleeping elevation change: 0 m
Distance: ~ 4 km
Duration: 4 hours, including hot chocolate break

Amount spent: 
Breakfast - Rs 450
Drink at Hotel Everest View - Rs 450
  Tea break - Rs 400
 Dinner - Rs 820
Night stay at Khumbu Lodge, single bedroom - Rs 300
Gloves - Rs 800
Total = Rs 3220 

Day 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 910 | 11

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