
July 18, 2019

Everest Base Camp : Day 8 - Lobuche to Gorakshep to Everest Base Camp

Today's the big day! We're starting the day early as we're hiking to Gorakshep, and from there to Everest Base Camp (EBC).

Had breakfast at 6.30am with my comrades and by 7.15am, we headed out to start our journey. Once again the skies are a bright blue without a single cloud in sight. That's why hiking in this season is the best! But don't be fooled by the glorious sun, it's extremely cold at this altitude.

The hike to Gorakshep was difficult. The climbing wasn't that steep, but the altitude was slowly taking a toll on me. I was doing good though, still climbing on my own two feet, albeit very slow and gasping for air every five minutes.

God please help me

Three hours later, we arrived in Gorakshep and checked in at Yeti Resort. There's no teahouses at EBC so everybody would come back and overnight here, before the optional hike to Kala Patthar at sunrise.

It's only 10.30am but we're having a long rest and lunch here to replenish our energy. Gotta get ready for the final push to EBC. It's gonna be another two hours before we reach it.

macaroni and vege for super early lunch

Just as we started trekking across the desert, I saw the famous signage pointing to EBC about 100 metres behind. We missed it cos it was behind the lodges. Without shame, I asked Dinesh to turn back just to take photos with it hahaha.

there's only one way

We then continued trekking through the gently sloping ridgeline trail. Soooo tired but knowing that we're nearing EBC boosted up my motivation.

EBC in the distance

An hour later, we came across this signage. But nope, false hope! We haven't reach EBC yet.

Everest Base Camp, Mount Everest and Khumbu Icefall as seen from the ridge

Everest peeking from behind Khumbutse and Nuptse

From the ridge, I had a glimpse of the famous Khumbu Icefall, as well as Everest! The black summit appeared small, peeking between Khumbutse and Nuptse. Mesmerized, I hiked slowly to enjoy the view. After all, you cannot see Mount Everest from Everest Base Camp, cos it's hidden behind those massive mountains surrounding it. Here, on the ridgeline, is actually the best view you get of Everest, or from the summit of Kala Patthar, which I'm climbing tomorrow.

We then hiked down to the rocky valley. Had to be really careful as the loose scree could be slippery. I was so excited. This has been the moment I've waited for.

Upon arriving, the mood was celebratory! High fived Dinesh, Debbie, Ken, Amin.. and everyone around us. We made it guysss!! After eight days of adventure on the trail, with AMS scares, sleepless nights, headaches and all, I made it to Everest Base Camp safe and sound. So so proud of myself. Alhamdulillah!

The base camp was empty though. No expedition tents as it wasn't the climbing season. There's only prayer flags, pictures and messages from everyone around the world, and a few 'Everest Base Camp' signs with dates and elevation. And then us, the excited hikers.

proud Malaysian

we made it

Khumbu Icefall

doge also made it to EBC

After about half an hour and numerous photos at the base camp, it's time to get back to Gorakshep.

the trail back to Gorakshep

mushroom cheese pizza and garlic soup for dinner

Climbing back to the ridgeline, the rest of the way back was rather easy cos it's mostly downhill.

Back at the lodge, we had a good rest and dinner. Going to bed early tonight. Tomorrow's Kala Patthar hike gonna start at 4.30am for the sunrise.

Lobuche to Gorakshep to EBC map

Elevation at Lobuche: 5,030 m
Elevation at Gorakshep: 5,165 m
Elevation at Everest Base Camp: 5,364 m
Day's elevation change: +334 m
Sleeping elevation change:  +135 m
Distance:  9 km
Duration:  8 hours

Amount spent:
Breakfast - Rs 880
Lunch - Rs 1000
Dinner - Rs 1650
1 litre of hot water - Rs 800
Night stay at Yeti Resort, double room - Rs 500
Total = Rs 4830

Day 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 91011