
December 23, 2010

Western Australia : Perth & Fremantle (part 2)

I have myopia. Go google if you've never heard of it.

Old people say you should look at the trees every morning and eat a lot of carrots, which if religiously done, can reduce the optical power. I certainly fail at doing both of them, which explains why it doesn’t reduce but increasing instead. T_T

I woke up to another beautiful day. So I figured it was the perfect day to enjoy King’s Park and get my green dosage.

It’s only around 10 minutes walk from the city but mind you, the park is located on a hill. Good for a morning exercise but thank you I prefer to reach there all fresh. If you’re like me, then you can head to St Georges Terrace and hop onto Transperth bus no 37.
Covering  400 hectares of land, the park is truly huge! This is also the largest inner city park in the world. Though there are many people there, it doesn't feel crowded at all. 
It’s such a wonderful place of serenity yet it is so close to the city centre. Nice right? After a stressful day at work, you can come here to relax. 

There's something so calming about this park.

There's a lot of things you can do here. Just sit, relax, enjoy a picnic and take in the great views of Perth city. I even saw some girls sunbathing in bikini. hehehe...

The views over the vast Swan River and the city skyline are marvellous from this location.

There is also a State War Memorial here, dedicated to ANZAC, the united army corps of Australia and New Zealand that fought in World War 1.

Then, there's the tree line up, complete with the name plaques at its foot, in honour of the fallen soldiers. Something to think about when you're enjoying the beauty of this park.

Anyway, as the park is huge, I would recommend the guided walk through the park. It's free! And led by the park's guides who are very knowledgeable on their subject. They depart daily from Fraser Avenue at 10am and 2pm.

If you missed them, you can always pick up a self guided walk pamphlet from the visitor centre and explore the park on your own. 

There is a mini tree-top walk, bringing you up to 16m above the ground, giving you a wonderful view of the tree tops. 

Next, you should check out the DNA Tower on Forrest Avenue. It was named so because of its likeliness to the interwinding strands of DNA.

The views are worth the climb, I assure you. hehehe...

By afternoon, I was on the train to Fremantle.
 Perth Railway Station
I've been here on my first day in Perth but we didn't cover much that day. So this time, I walked on my own, covering some of Fremantle's walking trails.
Fremantle Railway Station

I especially loved the amazing architecture there. Up and down every street, every building has something unique to see, study, and photograph.

University of Notre Dame

Then, it's time for lunner (lunch and dinner, get it?). In my previous trip, we tried Cicerello's. So this time around, I wanted to try its rival, Kailis.


Ordered their Fish n Chips.

nom nom nom


My verdict: I thought Kailis tasted better.

Nadia and my adopted family joined me later in the evening. We booked the torchlight tour of Fremantle Prison.

In addition to daytime tours, Fremantle Prison holds torchlight tours every Wednesday and Friday evenings. The tour costs AUD24 and takes about 1 1/2 hours and visits the main cell block, cells for solitary confinement, the whipping post, and the gallows.

It was quite an eerie atmosphere, very quiet and sometimes you can hear howling sounds of dogs. Visiting place of punishment and death, of course there have been talk of ghosts and ghostly encounters.

Seram ok.

hantu baru keluar prison

I slept at the family's house on my last day in Perth. My flight back home was at 6.30am. I told Nadia's uncle and aunty I was fine with taking a cab to the airport at midnight and wait until the check in counter opened. But I was again left all speechless when they told me to go to sleep instead. They insisted on sending me to the airport later. T_T

Meeting Nadia and her family and friends, the trip was truly one of my memorable travel experiences. I didn't know how I could repay their kindness to me. May Allah bless them all. 

I went there alone, without knowing anyone at all, but I had the time of my life. I just wanted to believe that I've done something really good in the past to deserve this.

Goodbye Perth.


  1. berani nya u pergi prison waktu malam. kalau i memang tak dapek le, hehe

  2. hehe i pon takut tapi sebab pegi ramai2.. buat2 la berani
