
December 20, 2010

Western Australia : Perth (part 2)

Despite the trauma from being stucked in the freak storm, I woke up the following morning refreshed. The electricity was back on and the skies were beautiful. The weather was neither hot nor cold. It was a perfect day.
So I decided 'OK imma do another walk today'.
I went to Swan Bells Bell Tower again, continuing from where my walk got interrupted.
This rocket-like structure houses 12 of the 18 Swan Bells that used to hang in the belfry of St Martin-in-the-Fields in London’s Trafalgar Square.
I didn’t go up the tower though as I thought spending AUD11 for the entrance fee was too much. And I’d be going to King’s Park later, which promises a better view of the city.
Just a few walks away, is the Wheel of Perth.
I ferris wheel
But I heard this ferris wheel was closed down last May due to disagreements on its future between the municipal council and its operator. Just like Eye on Malaysia case.
Anyway, these two attractions are actually situated right on the river banks of Swan River, the focal point of Perth city. 
They say your visit to Perth isn't complete if you don't experience the river. River cruises on Swan River are especially a great and relaxed way of getting a different view of the city.
I took a look at one of the operator, Captain Cook Cruises; taking a cruise would cost me half a day and AUD41. Ermmm... nahhh.
I figured there's a cheaper way to enjoy the river, and wouldn't consume much of my time too, which was, got on the Transperth ferry to South Perth.
The trip took around 15 minutes and the fare was less than AUD2. Nadia lent me her SmartRider card so I saved even more :D
My next stop was Perth Mint, one of the world’s oldest mints.
You can marvel at the gleaming display of natural gold nuggets (and purchase them if you’re bloody rich!) or just watch pure molten gold being poured to form a solid gold bar.
look...I found gold!
Did I tell you Perth provides free bus rides in the city? Yes. ZERO fare. They call it CAT (Central Area Transit) and it serves 3 routes in the centre of Perth. There are three CAT routes: the Yellow CAT, the Red CAT and the Blue CAT.
Why suddenly am I talking about this Perth CAT you wonder? Well of course, if you get tired from all the walking, you can just hop on the bus and enjoy the ride.
Yellow Cat stop 21
Frustrated with the high currency exchange at the time of my going, I decided not to shop during that trip. It was 3.1 to 1 that time. My friend went to Brisbane last year and it was only 2.4 to 1. Damn it!
But I checked out the outlet shopping, Harbour Town, in hope to find something worth it to spend the money on.
Spent a few hours going around the hundreds of outlets…
but sadly, I found none.
OK fine. Maybe I should just be kiasu and buy all the currency when they’re at their cheapest, regardless of when the trip will be. Which reminds me that I should just buy the GBP now since it’s currently below 5:1 before it starts going back to 7:1. Hehe.

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