
December 27, 2010

Jal Meokkesseumnida!

Hahaha.. berbelit lidah nak pronounce title tu.

It means Bon Appetit in Korean. 

Fascinated by beautiful scenery in all the Korean dramas that I watched, South Korea sits top on my list of countries to visit in 2011.

I am the type of person who loves to enjoy the local food of the places I am visiting. I've always wanted to try Koryo-won in KLCC, but I don't know anybody who loves Korean food.

Luckily one day when I was hanging out with my colleagues at The Gardens, I managed to drag them to GoGung, another Korean restaurant. 

Turned out, it was under the same management as Koryo-Won. So, considered I visited Koryo-Won already lah.

This place is not cheap though, so we ordered the cheapest meal on the menu. hahaha...

I had this Kim Chi Jji Gae set, a traditional Korean spicy kimchi soup. The set came with the side dishes too.

And what's so good about it was, they were refillable!

One meal wasn't enough for us hungry monsters, so we ordered pizza.

Okay I know it wasn't really Korean. We just wanted to try their varieties. hehe...

Satisfied with my Korean escapade at GoGung, I convinced the Chickpeas to try another Korean restaurant during our outing in Pavilion recently. 

We often relate Korean food to kimchi. So yeah, I ordered Kim Chi Jji Gae set again!

But this time, we had BBQ too as addition to our own meal.

Good thing having the BBQ here, my clothes didn't smell at all after we left the restaurant. I guessed the suction system must be really good. After all, they must do something to keep the smoke away since it's a fine dining restaurant.

Ju Mul Leok (Charbroiled Marinated Beef Sirloin)

The Korean way to eat the BBQ meat is to wrap it up with the salad, add some kimchi, garlics and chillies too.

It was oh-so-yummy I tell ya!

This is Shik Hae, Korean traditional drink.

The description in the menu is written as a sweet drink made from fermented rice. I thought oh this must be Korean version of sake. Must try! hahahaha....

Since we didn't order Wagyu beef, the bill came to only about RM250 for 4 person. It wasn't too expensive for a Korean fine dining, still within the ok limit for me. Would definitely drag my other set of friends to come here. :D