
February 8, 2010

The night marathon

My leg hurt like hell I had to take painkiller for me to walk properly yesterday T_T

But the pain was all worth it when I received this medal. 

This is the proof of my determination.

I suffered major cramp at the 18th km near the Putra Mosque. Suddenly my left toes felt numb. It was so severe I almost couldn't walk but I was so stubborn I refused to stop and rest. I was worried about not being able to finish the race rather than worrying about the cramp getting worse. I usually won't let my body take control of me so I practically dragged my feet and walked slowly while trying to move my toes. Luckily the cramp subsided and I started to run and brisk walked alternately, determined to finish the run in time.


It was raining when I went out from the house and I predicted Putrajaya would be wet as well. But rain was nowhere to be seen in the city centre and all the way along MEX.  


And as we reached Putrajaya, it was clear too with visible trace of rain earlier in the day. 

Just arrived!

Yours truly and sister

Ready to run! 

Runners before the flag off

We started the run at 8.30pm. The Men and Women's category started at the same time, thus the big crowd. 

I initially planned to trail my sister in an attempt to clock a better timing. She's an experienced runner while I'm just a recreational runner. But sisters are always competitive with each other so I wanted to match her timing. ;p A few kilometres after the run started, I had to start walking to catch my breath while she continued the run leaving me behind. And after a few turns and corners, I lost her. T_T Okay fine. I have to swallow my ego and admit that she's a better runner than me.

Arriving at the big roundabout


What I liked about PNM was that they had marker for the distances. Some might not like it but to me, knowing how long have I covered and how long more to run was a stress reliever. It's like, okay I have covered this far. Hang on!

Almost there!

Post race

With my sister's friends who actually was my seniors back in secondary school


The marathon was a success albeit a little hiccups. I pitied those full marathoners who arrived after 1am. It must be very disappointing to see all the sponsors' tents were already emptied. They were all packed up by midnight, even though the event was supposed to be concluded at 3.30am. I think the organizer should look up into this matter for future improvements. To make sure the event is still lively until the full marathon time limit ends, at least.


  1. congrats rara .. u did swell with that pain and all .. kak june pun was running (well banyak power walk lagi haha) on throbbing knee but determined to finish. It was just tertarik from the morning incident. Now its ok, still sore but no more throbs :) how was ur time? unofficially I was 6 minutes faster from my 1st attempt, happy giler hehe .. you take care and rest , no daki bukit for a while tau!

  2. awesome...congrats....rara...u look so slim now...cantik...xxoo

  3. kak june - wah terernya! even with injured knee u managed to run well. my time was ruined by the cramp la.. T_T i think it's more or less around 3'20" jugak..
    haha.. tu laa i think my body terkejut la dah lama retired then suddenly pergi panjat bukit. tu yang sakit lama tu.

  4. RL - thanks.. u're my inspiration also la :)

  5. hey i know that girl in white jacket, she always run in marathons, i knew her from towerthon last year..hehe..

    megat (transferred from tveg to video) also ran 21km, clocked 2h20m, damn fast wor....

  6. Axiao - yup, that's hanis. what a small world la. hehe.. hey the towerthon's registration opened dy. wanted to join but too bad la i won't be around that time.
    woahh.. megat so fast ler... 1 hour ahead of me. hahaha

  7. Apa pun yang penting cross the finish line :) next time kita pace sama2 lah hihi .. u have a great day <3

  8. congrats. atleast u didnt suffer any bad injuries kan?

    too bad we didnt had a chance to meet. otherwise sure ber'glowie' time lari. see u at bunny race in march ya?
