
February 6, 2010

Running in the dark

Another half marathon without proper training.. I just hope I can finish it. My thighs still hurt from last weekend's hiking. Usually the pain will go away in 2-4 days but this time, it's almost a week and I still feel the pain especially when I squat. And that made me not being able to train the whole week. Hmm.. let's just wait and see how la tonight whether I can beat my own time of 3' 22'' in PBIM or not. I think I wanna trail my sister the whole route. She clocked 2' 45'' in PBIM and yeah, it's another huge blow to me. hahahah...

It's raining heavily as I'm typing this, will it be a wet marathon in Putrajaya tonight?


  1. was hoping to bump into you, next time another race somewhere perhaps :) hope u r able to walk today ! take care <3

  2. axiao - lousy as usual la... no training. didn't manage to trail my sister also.. hahaha

    kak june - tu la.. no chance this time. too many people la plus i was so slow i guess. hehehe. another race perhaps :)
