
February 19, 2010

Ngong Ping 360

I dunno why but I've always loved cable cars! Be it the higher and scarier ones like those in Genting Highlands or Langkawi or the normal mediocre ones such as the one I rode in Macau.

This time around, Imma show you the Ngong Ping Cable Car. This cable car connects Tung Chung and Ngong Ping on Lantau Island.

If you wanna go there, just ride the MTR and stop at Tung Chung station on Tung Chung Line. The Cable Car Terminal is adjacent to MTR's Tung Chung Station. Take exit B and it is just a 2 minute walk from there.

the Terminal

You have a choice whether to take the standard cabin or the crystal cabin. The crystal cabin is equipped with glass bottom so you have extra view other than the windows. Just for the experience, I decided to ride both cabins. Went up with crystal cabin and came down by the standard one.




The crystal cabins are limited so you have to wait longer. But I went on a Monday so luckily the queue wasn't that long.


what I do best.. camwhoring what else ;p

Oh that girl behind me was busy looking down through the cabin.

crystal clear

crossing the sea

going up

up up and away

high rise condos at Lantau Island

underneath my feet

Hong Kong International Airport


The journey to Ngong Ping passed through Lantau North Country Park, offering you panoramic view of the valleys and mountains.


For those who are fit and adventurous,  there's a country trail for you to walk up the hill and enjoy the nature.

the country trail

what cable car? we prefer walking y'all

scary or not???

take 1

take 2

take 3

Ok you must be really annoyed seeing all my syok sendiri pics. wahahahhaha! Enough of the torture. Anyway, 1 way journey with the cable car will take about 25 minutes.

Ngong Ping station

On my way down, I saw those tiny things at the sea. From afar, I thought it was rubbish. But how come leh? Maybe they were goods thrown or leaked from a ship?


But as we got nearer, I just realized that those tiny things were humans looking for mudskippers and fiddler crabs, often seen during the low tide period.


Even if you suffer from acrophobia, this is definitely a journey worth to experience!


  1. last time i went, i took a bus, and it took forever to reach up there..haha...before i further confuse myself, ngong ping is the mountain with the buddha statue right?

  2. bestnya jalan2 camnie .. u seem to travel a lot, kerja or leisure or both?

  3. Axiao - u took a bus to go up there? i took a bus to Stanley already wanna die.. so scary liao. yup yup.. the big buddha.

    kak june - both tapi leisure most of the times. alaa backpackers budget je. time2 single gini la nak jalan sakan. hehehe

  4. yes very true, time ni is the best to make full use of your time :)
