A lot of people don't believe me when I say I am still single. Why? Why don't u guys believe me? Am I a loser for not having a boyfriend? Am I too old for still not getting married? Or... Am I too pretty and it's weird not to have someone wooing me? wahahahhaha...
I used to make a target that I wanna get married by 28 coz I think that is the ideal age for you to settle down. But now, 1 day before I turn 27 tomorrow, I feel like I am not ready for the big M. Maybe I am scared? Maybe I think too much.
I feel like I am not ready for any commitment. I like to do my own things. Marriage looks like your life will be controlled. I don't really like kids. No, I like kids. But I only like cute and well behaved kids. I can't handle kids yang bising and nakal nak mampus. And I absolutely hate babies yg menangis 24 jam. I also think once you have a kid, your life is restricted. Nak buat ni tak boleh, nak buat tu tak boleh. Macam mana nak ada anak kalau macam ni? Am I too selfish? I also love my family too much I don't want to leave them. I can't imagine not living with them. Manja? Too dependant? Not matured? I admit I am also choosy. Maybe my expectations are too high.
Oh ada my friends cakap maybe guys are intimidated by me. Huhhh??? Itu seriously buat gwe terkejut because I see myself as a simple girl. Just because they see me carry all the designer handbags they think I am high maintenance kaa??? Itu pon kalau diorang tau tu designer handbags la. Lelaki ni mana dia tau sangat brand2 ni unless dia metrosexual or girlfriend/wife dia asyik pow hadiah mahal so terpaksa amik tau. hahahaha... Alaaa bag jerrr mahal.. baju, seluar, kasut semua murah2 je... nak kata melawa lebih pon biasa je. Pegi keja tak mekap. Baju pon simple. Kalau pasal career, I am not a prominent corporate figure ke apa... gwe keja biasa2 je.. minah kilang.
Eh eh ok la panjang pulak mukadimah cerita pasal being single ni. Sebenarnye nak cerita pasal musim kahwin. When I booked my flight ticket to Hong Kong last year I didn't realized pon the date was school holiday time. Lagipon masa tu jadual sekolah mana keluar lagi. So it happened that the whole 2 weeks yg I was not around tu cuti sekolah. Cehh... rugi ler sebab patut boleh pegi keja jalan tak jam. And I missed a lot of wedding receptions. Maaf yer kawan2 especially ex-housemateku Chatz sebab tak dapat datang memeriahkan majlis anda.
I only managed to go to Dayah's wedding. Selamat Pengantin Baru Chubbs! Congrats! Dayah dah matured doh. hahahaha....
Yayah + Yoyo
seperti biasa, wedding adalah sessi bertemu rakan2 yang lama tak jumpa.
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