
November 6, 2017

My first World Marathon Majors, Tokyo Marathon

If you're my long time blog reader, you know I DNF Tokyo Marathon.

That was back in 2013.

3 years later...

My first World Marathon Majors (WMM) medal.

I was so nervous cos my ex-bosses (who turned good friends) came to support me. I didn't wanna let them down for the second time.

Thank God I ran without cramps, passed all the check points and managed to finish the marathon.
With a PB :)

Running the Tokyo Marathon was such a unique experience. The atmosphere was totally different compared to SCKLM or other overseas run I'd participated. It was incredible, almost carnival-like. The cheerful volunteers and supporters really pushed me to keep on running. 

 Thinking of running another WMM next year. New York or Berlin next?

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