
February 1, 2017

Umrah Ramadan : Buka Puasa and Terawih at Masjid Nabawi

There's buka puasa buffet at the hotel but on some days, I went to buka puasa at the mosque. It was so meriah!! Like a big party going on.

Maghrib was around 7.18pm so I got ready and headed to the mosque by 6.30pm. The whole courtyard was occupied, foods were distributed and we all waited together for the Azan.

There are a lot of sponsors everyday; nasi Arab, roti Arab, Al-Baik, fruits, juices, kurma you name it. Then of course there is free flow of Zamzam water.

So if you have the chance to visit Madinah during Ramadan, ditch your hotel buffet and experience buka puasa at Masjid Nabawi. But don't expect to eat leisurely like at the hotel. You have to be quick here as the prayer commences 10-15 minutes after Azan. 

If you still want to eat the hotel buffet, go back to your hotel after Maghrib prayer cos Isyak is at 9.15pm so you have ample time to eat. Or, you can eat the buffet after terawih. Usually the buffet is still on-going for moreh.

the mosque was full!

waiting for buka puasa time

Alhamdulillah and may God bless the sponsors of my food

ice cream for moreh

If you want to get more pahala, you also can contribute. Just buy something, bring it to the mosque, and sedekah to random people. What I did; I bought 1 or 2 cartons of packet drinks, box of chocolates and biscuits and bags of kurma and distribute it to those who walked past me or sat near me. So easy to get pahala!

After Maghrib a lot of people went back to the hotel or went to eat somewhere nearby so there were a lot of spaces inside the mosque, and I took the opportunity to get the best spot for my terawih prayer.

If you're late, it is so hard to find spaces to pray. Even at the courtyard.

The sea of people!!

this was on 19 Ramadan before we departed to Mecca 

For the terawih, unlike in Malaysia where the bilal and jemaah tasbih, selawat and doa after every 4 rakaat, in Saudi the terawih is straight until 10 rakaat. After 10 rakaat there will be a break about 5-10 minutes before we continue with 10 more rakaat. So total is only 20 rakaat.

Every night we finish one juzuk, so terawih (and we did witir on our own) usually finish at almost midnight. Then back to the hotel, sleep for a while before waking up at 3am getting ready for Subuh. Lack of sleep but I'm not complaining.

I was in Madinah on the last day of Ramadan. Supposedly we flew back from Jeddah but due to some technical issue, we had to return back to Madinah and flew to KL from here. But it's all good. Doesn't matter Madinah or Makkah, I love both places.

 This was on 29 Ramadan 1437H.

The mosque was super packed and the crowd was overflowing to the street cos the Imam khatam-ed the Quran that night.

Watch the video.

*credit goes to the owner of the video*


Next read --> The Beautiful Names of Allah Exhibition