
February 7, 2017

Umrah Ramadan : The Beautiful Names of Allah Exhibition

There are some exhibitions around Masjid Nabawi but unfortunately I only had the chance to visit one, the Beautiful Names of Allah exhibition.

It's located just outside the mosque at Gate 13.
There are 2 more exhibitions nearby; about Rasulullah at Gate 8 and Quran at Gate 5.

Opening hours during Ramadan.

If you visit during other months, the timing is from 9-2pm and 4-9pm.

Entrance is free so go visit it! There are also guides who speak English and when I was there, there is one who speaks Indonesian. 

Going through the exhibition gave me goose bumps. There are videos and pictures showing the universe, and scenes of natures along with relevant verses of the Quran, making you think of how powerful Allah is.

The walls are filled with 99 names of Allah and it's meaning.
Honestly, I don't remember all 99  T_T  so I took my own sweet time going through them one by one. Must memorize all of them after this!

Got app also!

Rasulullah's advice..

There's nothing to say except Subhanallah when I exited the exhibition. It really strengthen my faith and I strive everyday to be closer to Allah.

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