
December 12, 2010

CICM Responsible Care Run

I made a good decision not coming back early and run the full marathon after my Turkey trip. Thought I could pull it off, but trust me, running when you are jet lagged is not a good idea. Joined the CICM Responsible Care Run just 3 days after coming back, and as a result, I was so sleepy and tired at some point I closed my eyes while running, trying to sleeprun. *shakes head*

What??? I couldn't sleep for days plus the piles of work awaited me in the office, and on a Sunday morning, when I should be on the bed getting all the sleep and rest I needed, I forced myself to pull off the duvet and went out for the run. 

Well, the StanChart Marathon Singapore was only a weekend away, so I guessed I had to run a little. You know, just to warm up.. since I hadn't run since like what? A month?

here we were at Bukit Jalil National Stadium

My eye bags were so big they were bulging out as though my eye balls were gonna pop out. T_T

As we ran around Bukit Jalil area, I expected the route was gonna be hilly, just like the Newton Run. But thank God, it wasn't that hard. I would say the hills were mild ones. hehe...

That was CICM's first ever run, so I forgave their lack of organizing experiences. I would appreciate if they prepared MORE water at the first water station. As the men started earlier than us ladies and other categories, by the time we arrived at the water station, the volunteers almost tutup kedai already as the water had finished. Ok fine. I just continued my run to the second water station. Luckily they made up the earlier blunder by serving plenty of 100 Plus drink. Nice. And oh.. I hoped they put the distance marker. They only had it at Km7 and Km9. I want every km please! Other than that, the run and post run carnival was good, with many sponsors offering free drinks, fruits, buns, and even nasi lemak for breakfast after the run. 

with Kak Azza, one of orang kuat FMVs.

As the run was organized by CICM or the Chemical Industries Council of Malaysia, the sponsors were big names such as BASF Petronas Chemicals ok what else I forgot already. Anyhoo, my point is the sponsors were great coz the finisher medal came with an attractive medal box.

hey I got a medal. 

Finally this run ended my finisher medal draught. Hahahaha... because the last medal I got was during SCKLM. Dude... that was like 5 months ago. Talk about time la kan? I didn't remember if I've told you this, but getting a finisher medal is one of my motivation to go for a run. No medal no run. ;p

carbo loading session after the run


  1. no medal no run .. my exact sentiment LOL .. hope to see you someday somerun somewhere .. am moving south end of this month and thus wont be able to kiasu at runs like i like to do :( but fb and blog are the saviour now ! see u kat sundown insyaallah !!!

  2. gonna miss u kak june! so sad i always cannot make it to the gath.
