
April 14, 2010

The Peak & Madame Tussauds Hong Kong

Victoria Peak or locally known as The Peak, is the highest point within Hong Kong island. You can go up there by bus, or ride the funicular railway. The Peak Tram, with over 100 years of service, has been the most popular choice for tourists. It's deemed as the steepest funicular railway, as it ascends at almost 90 degree angle. Sounds scary eh? But the journey is definitely worth it.

inside the tram
the railway

The tram is very convenient as the station is situated right at the centre ground of the Peak Tower.

I thought this Peak Tower looked odd, with half a circle attached on top of the building. But at the same time, very futuristic and unique. It stands out, you can even spot it from the city below.

There's even a viewing platform at its top for you to enjoy a bird's eye view of Hong Kong. Stunning, breathtaking, magnificent. What else? I'm outta words already. No words can describe how I felt that time. It's too beautiful I wished the time just stood still so that I could enjoy it forever.


Gorgeous, ain't it? The view, I mean.

We waited until 8pm at the platform to watch the Symphony of Lights show, but it wasn't that clear.

Anyway, The Peak Tower also houses the Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum.

Asian stars,
my first love, Jun Sang <3

 Infernal affairs

Hollywood stars,
move over Angie!

the next Bond girl

Pop stars,

and royalty are among the figures you can see here.


Save your memory card to take loads of pictures, as this Hong Kong branch houses nearly 100 wax figures altogether. There is also another attraction for the daring and brave ones. Enter if you dare but be prepared to SCREAM!!!
why I looked so happy here? hahahha

Just looking at the pictures above made me miss Hong Kong. Definitely gonna repeat the trip!



  1. jun sang..jun sang!!

    kalau ada chance datang ...i nak peluk2 itu jun sang :D

    seronoknya u rara!

  2. wah syoiknye akak pun insyallah nak ke madame holland, jeles tgk adik posing ngan Jun sang..

  3. TTM: hahaha sume suka jun sang eh.

    kak naqies: enjoy ur trip! tapi kat situ takda jun sang. ;p
