
April 13, 2010

Hong Kong attractions

After days of being alone in Hong Kong, my friends arrived to join me. Yeayy!!! 

First activity of the day, we headed to Avenue of Stars. Modelled on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, plaques honoring celebrities of the Hong Kong entertainment industry are set into the promenade.

I've been there to watch the Symphony of Lights show the night before. So I've got both day and night view of this place. My recommendation, come during both time if you have the chance. Both offers stunning view of the Victoria Harbour.

life-sized sculpture of Bruce Lee

Like a little child, I was so excited to see all the plaques so I stopped at each and every one of it, curious to see whose handprint and signature is on it.

I've got the 4 Heavenly Kings...

and one of my favorite female actresses.

The night view at Avenue of Stars is simply amazing, where the Symphony of Lights show takes place at 8pm everyday. The participating buildings from both sides of the harbour take turn flashing laser beams and lights, creating rainbows over the dark sky. Definitely a must-see event on your visit to Hong Kong.

Day view is equally breathtaking. The sight of skyscrapers across the harbour leaves you in awe, admiring the development of this small island.

the stars

Lights... Camera... Action!!

Clock Tower

After our leisure stroll along the Avenue of Stars, we cought the famous white and green colored ferries running across the harbour. Don't forget to ride this historic Star Ferry, many regards this ferry as one of Hong Kong's cultural icons.

The fare from Tsim Sha Tsui to Central is only HKD2 for lower deck and additional HKD0.50 for upper deck. The service is very frequent and the ride takes less than 10 minutes. A convenient way to cross the harbour other than taking the MTR.

Just a short walk from Central Pier will get you to Exchange Square where there is a bus terminus on the ground level. Next on our agenda was to go to Stanley Market for some souvenir shopping. We rode a double decker bus and excitedly sat right at the top front, and had the scariest ride of our lives. hahahah...

The journey was a very winding road, going up and down the hill of central Hong Kong island with steep cliff next to it. And having seated at the front on the upper deck, I felt like I was riding a roller coaster. But the beautiful view of the Repulse Bay calmed me down (not my friend though as he got dizzy after that ride ;p)

As my friend couldn't stand the roller coaster ride, we opted for a faster journey back to Central through the Aberdeen Tunnel. Tips for you, bus no 6 (fare HKD7.90) brings you on a roller coaster ride and bus no 260 (fare HKD10.60) gives you peace of mind. So take your pick.


  1. sigh, jalan jalan lagi rara ;p) best .. u make good travel advisor !

  2. kalau ada duit mmg i dah quit my 9-5 job n bukak travel agency.. hehehe
