
February 28, 2010

Virtual farmer

While I was reading the newspapers this morning, I couldn't help but laugh when I came across one of the articles in Mingguan Malaysia. Kegilaan berkebun secara maya and it was all about Farmville. LOL Dahsyat betul Farmville sampai siap masuk paper tu..

Sebelum tidur berladang, celik mata tengok ladang, waktu bekerja pun curi-curi berladang! This really cracked me up because it was so true! I used to do all of the aforementioned when I was really addicted to the game. But I've stopped playing for quite some time already, since I reached level 36 sebab rasa dah terer sangat. hahahah...

my farm


  1. haha i was reading the article also , not first time, it came out few weeks ago in NST too :) i never played for fear I will be addicted to it, as it is already addicted, tambah farmville nanti no work done at home LOL

  2. semua FB games tu mmg very addictive la.. i dah stop farmville but now gila main restaurant city and sorority life. my friends banyak invite main mafia wars and cafe world tapi i takut nak join.. hahahha

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  4. -ada typo sket- :P

    wifey so concern bout her 'virtual' farm more than pokok bunga kat luar rumah :P im not that addict to that game, but competing with wifey along the way :P <addict in a good way? :P

    glad that office block FB. otherwise im wont be doing my work for sure.
    but u need to play mafia wars to get that hotrod seeder and tractor kan? :P

  5. aishh.. sejak bila pulak farmville ada collaboration dgn mafia wars?? hehehe
