
February 22, 2010

Halal Food in Hong Kong

Most of my Muslim friends will rule out Hong Kong from their travel destination list. The reason is not because of the language barrier, but mainly due to eating difficulties. They have the impression that it is hard to find halal food in Hong Kong. 

Last time I checked, there are 7 mosques around the country. So the Muslim community in Hong Kong is quite large, thus finding halal food is not a problem if you know the place and ask around the community. I did take note of some halal restaurants before the trip but only had the opportunity to go to Islamic Centre Canteen at Masjid Ammar & Osman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre in Wan Chai. Most of the time, I just ate McD and the instant foods I brought from home. Typical Malaysians la kan to pack maggi, Brahims etc whenever travelling. ;p


There's a good variety of food to please your appetite and the prices are reasonable too.









* These are based on my trip in June 2009 *

waiting for the food

fried rice

chicken curry + rice

samosa and I forgot what's that


The pics were taken from a few visits ye. I wasn't that pelahap la kan nak order banyak sekali terus macam tu. hehe


If you wanna come and have a heavy meal, make sure you come at the right time. I brought my friends here for lunch but unfortunately we arrived there around 3ish. They only served afternoon tea while all my friends were dying to eat rice sebab dah muak makan Filet-O-Fish. hahahah... 

The nearest MTR station is Wan Chai on Island Line. Take Exit A3 and walk towards Wan Chai Road. From there, it's about 15 minutes walk until you see The Charterhouse Hotel. This Islamic Centre is just behind it. I was so lazy to walk after the meal and took a taxi. The ride cost HKD18 to Wan Chai MTR station.

the Islamic Centre is located at the red star

Anyway, you can check out this website for other halal restaurants around Hong Kong. 

Happy eating!


  1. Ada curry kat HK kira not bad la kan?

    me blom sampai HK :)

  2. nanti sampai la tu :)
    HK best! tapi my friends semua tak suka. hehehe

  3. i pon tak suka HKG... he he... lotsa of indian foods... i tau....

  4. a'ah.. dia mcm banyak indian n pakistanis.. i mmg malas nak makan beriani tu sume.. so mcd or islamic canteen tu je la.

  5. hi, I was there! like to read ur blog, the fact that u're kaki jalan just like me =)

  6. hi ernie! :) tu laa.. kita sama kaki jalan. tapi u lagi banyak jalan. hehe.. anyway, take care of urself and baby k.

  7. hi there... the dim sum looks good.. i'm thinking of going to HK and this is making me wanna go there more... :)

  8. hi Lina. i miss HK! and you should visit HK! it's an interesting country :)

  9. thanks for the going there next mth=)

  10. salam. planning to go hong kong this year. where is the best place to stay, and where to get a good bargain in shopping and easy access to halal foods? appreciate if your help. thanks

  11. tres chic: how's your trip? hope u enjoyed it!

    sutera songket: if shopping of course la u must go to ladies market. banyak choice! kalau nak shopping kat factory outlet, boleh pergi nearby ngong ping cable car. halal foods banyak kat area kowloon. if you stay there ok jugak. kalau nak dekat dengan islamic centre, behind the centre ada hotel charter house. around 15 minutes walk to MRT.

  12. yo yo salam from Team

    tengah wat final prep utk ke macau n HK esok ekekke.. finally dapat gak direction camna nak ke islamic center tu!! tq tq!!!!

  13. prebetsapu: no problem.. sharing is caring katanya.. hehehe

  14. Salam,

    Will be going to Hong Kong end of this month. Any tips for halal food and their prices? easy to do budgeting. Will be staying at Eaton Smart hotel in Mongkok. What about the transportation, is it easy to find? Factory outlet tu ada jual apa dan location di mana? What else that are interesting in Hong Kong.

  15. zafri: salam. halal food in hong kong more or less harga dia macam kat islamic kitchen tu. MRT dia senang je.. very convenient to go sightseeing around HK. factory outlet tu nearby ngong ping MRT. u try google Citygate outlet. for other attraction, read my other posts on HK, i ada write about them. :)

  16. Very nice post ..I will most def take a trip to this spot when i am in Hong kong feb 2012.

  17. Sparrrowhawk: Yeahh.. must go! Enjoy your trip ok! :)

  18. which area u pegi rara...i planning nk pegi this year,,(:

  19. ilovemyAPEX: I went to a lot of places! u can check out my other posts on Hong Kong :)

  20. Hi!

    Fiance is going to work in Hong Kong next month and im going to travel to and fro there next year.. So, this is a good tips for us yang tak pernah langsung sampai hong kong! I just stumble upon ur blog! Thanks so much yea! :D

  21. Zila: hi! no problem.. nanti u dah pergi sana share ur stories pulak ok! :)

  22. Salam, saya ada plan nak ke HK bulan 11 ni, tengah survey pasal makanan and stumble to your blog. Very informative. Boleh tak bagi recommendation nak tinggal dekat mana sebab kami pergi 3 orang jadi nak cari bilik susah skit sebab bilik sana sempit dan mostly 2 orang je. Terima kasih.

  23. amylia: salam. kalau u tak kisah duduk hostel diorang ada je private room utk triple. murah jugak tak sampai 20USD per person. tengok kat :)
