
June 15, 2020

Skiing in Japan - part 2

Skiing in Japan - part 1

I first learnt to ski in 2014 in Gala Yuzawa, Japan.

Went back to the same place in 2016 and learnt to snowboard.

Then in 2018 I revived my skiing lesson while visiting my bestfriend in Turku, Finland.

In 2019, I managed to include a half-day skiing at Honokidaira while I was in Takayama Japan.

And earlier this year before the whole COVID-19 pandemic halts our oversea travel plans, I went for another ski adventure at Gala Yuzawa again (cos it's the easiest to reach from Tokyo). Also did a quick trip to APPI Resort in Iwate prefecture before returning home.

Nah.. my beginner run on the slope.

Only my fourth time skiing but I think I did ok. I only skied at the green slope though. Still don't have the courage to upgrade to blue haha.

Just in case you're wondering about the ski slope color, here's some guideline.
But note that it can be different depending on regions (especially US and Europe) and ski resorts.

Green - Beginner. Wide and shallow runs with gradient range of less than 20%
Blue - Intermediate. Gradient range of 20-30%
Red - Advanced intermediate. Steeper gradient 30-40% for confident skiers
Black/Black Diamond - Expert. Gradient range exceeding 40%
Double Black Diamond - Extreme

It's very important to know what color slope you're on before descending cos it can be very dangerous, or even deadly if you're a new skier or a beginner, and suddenly you go to a black slopes.

I felt snowboarding is harder than skiing so I stick to skiing for now. Will revive my snowboarding skill one day when I have more days on the slope and explore more slopes and ski resorts.

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