
April 17, 2020

What's up?

10 years down the road, when I randomly re-read my blog I'll be reminded of this.

Malaysia is under Movement Control Order (MCO) as a preventive measure towards the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

The MCO started on 18th March 2020, and will go on until 28th April 2020 (as of now). 

So today is Day 31 of the MCO. 

Schools, offices, shopping malls, places of worship are closed.

Everything is closed except those involved in essential services like health, water, electricity, telco, finance, supermarket etc.

Mass gatherings are prohibited. Religious, sports, social gatherings, kenduri kahwin all cancelled. 

If you are not in essential services, you must stay at home.

The PDRM/ATM conducted roadblocks at certain places to make sure Malaysians abide by the order.

If they catch you going out without valid reasons, you can be charged in court. 

And many more...

I've been working from home (WFH) since the first day of MCO because apparently, my job is non-essential. Honestly, I'm enjoying this WFH cos I don't have to drive to work. No traffic jams! Yeayy!! I saved almost 2 hours daily. Best thing ever!

The not so best thing is my weight. I usually do Intermittent Fasting during weekdays, and have my cheat day on weekends. But since I am at home, it feels like everyday is weekend and so everyday is a cheat day now. Hmmm... Seriously guys, I can't stop myself from opening the fridge.

I don't really watch TV these days but I finally managed to watch and finished Crash Landing On You hahahahha. Little sister recommended the series to me since it started but I didn't care. Even when so many people were talking about it on social medias I still didn't give it a damn. But I was so bored on the first week of MCO and decided to watch it, and now I can't move on. Help!!

I wanted to read and finish some books but I haven't started any.

I wanted to continue spring cleaning my room and some part of the house but I haven't started any.  

I've always said I'll write something when I have time but one month has passed and I only wrote two posts.

So I guess I'm just lazy hahahahahha.

Ramadhan is coming next week and we'll celebrate the first few days in MCO. No bazaar Ramadhan, no terawih and qiamullail at the mosque (so sad!). I am lucky cos I live in KL with my dad and siblings. But yeah.. Ramadhan and Hari Raya will be different this year. 

I have flight tickets for oversea travels in July, August and September. But even the MCO is lifted then, it is not safe to travel anywhere this year. 

We've all been waiting eagerly for 2020 and COVID-19 ruined it all.  

We must adapt to the new normal. 


  1. Deep inside I am grateful that we called it off travelling, where later turned out to be one of the most rapidly rising infected cases today. Alhamdulillah. May Allah let us reach till Ramadhan. Assalamualaikum. :)

  2. @Athirah: Waalaikumsalam. So sad kan but let's hope this pandemic will come to an end soon and we can travel again one day. Selamat menyambut Ramadhan :)
