
December 16, 2019

First time in Brunei

How often do you get a chance to selfie with the Head of country that you're visiting?

I guess I was lucky.

Visited Brunei in July (my first time in the country!) and coincidentally it was the birthday month of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.

I was walking around the night market when I noticed some event preparations at the field in front of Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque. Busybody mode on, I asked the workers what was it for. Turned out they were preparing for the Sultan's birthday celebration with the citizens that weekend.

So yeah... I crashed the celebration.

alamak Tuanku.. look at the camera 

 the Crown Prince and my big pimple. Gahhhhhh!!!!

must have one selfie with everybody's favorite prince 

Brunei itself is a small country so I just planned a short trip.

Here's some of the places that I managed to visit. Will write details of this trip when I have free time (when is that I don't know hahahah).

Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque

You cannot visit Brunei and miss to see this mosque because it is located right in the center of the capital city.

The mosque's most recognizable feature, the main dome, is covered in pure gold.

inside the mosque

Jame' Asr Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque

The largest mosque in the country, and also the grandest. The mosque was built as a wakaf of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. It has 29 golden domes, because the Sultan is the 29th ruler of Brunei.

main prayer hall

Kampong Ayer

One of the most interesting things to do in Brunei is wander along the Kampong Ayer bridges and paths. It is fascinating to see how the people live on stilts. There's a few homestays here, I might give it a try whenever I visit this country again.

mosque and fire station

Royal Regalia Museum

The museum mainly houses the regalia of the Sultan, as well as the gifts that Royals and Head of State have given him. Opened in 1992 by the Sultan himself, entrance to the museum is free. You will have to leave your belonging and camera at the entrance so no photos inside.

Proboscis monkey

I wish I could go nearer or have a long-focus lens to capture photos of the shy Proboscis monkey.

Tamu Pasar Besar Gadong night market

You must come here because everything is cheap and yummy!

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