
October 21, 2013

Kyoto : Ryoan-ji

From Kinkaku-ji, I walked to another place of interest, Ryoan-ji. It's not that near, but it's not that far either. The leisure walk took me about 20 minutes. It was a good way to warm me up as the weather was rather cold following the snow earlier.

Ryoan-ji is famous for its rock garden. The garden consists of a rectangular plot of pebbles surrounded by an earthen wall, with 15 rocks laid out in small groups. History and meaning of this rock garden is unclear, as there's no explanation for it. Because the garden's meaning has not been made explicit, it is up to each viewer to interpret it.

There were groups of people during my visit but everybody sat quietly on the viewing platform. I guessed everyone's busy contemplating. I moved to a couple of different spots for a different perspective. It was truly unique.

The viewing platform for the garden is at the Hojo, the head priest's former residence. You will notice that the Hojo features some paintings on the sliding doors of its tatami rooms. I thought it was really nice.

Like Kinkaku-ji, the grounds of Ryoan-ji also includes a large landscape garden and pond.


How can I not fall in love with Japan? This place is so beautiful and peaceful. I felt like I could just walk there for hours.
Anyway, this is another UNESCO World Heritage Site in Kyoto.  
 Ryoan-ji is open all year round
Visiting hours from 8 am to 5 pm (Mar - Nov), 8.30 am to 4.30 pm (Dec - Feb)
Entrance fee is 500 yen (16 years old ~ ), 300 yen (6~15 years old), free (0~6 years old) 
Access : From Kinkaku-ji, you can walk for 20 minutes or take Kyoto City Bus #59 to Ryoan-ji-mae