
August 12, 2013

A night in Haneda Airport

On my not-so-recent trip to Japan, I flew with AirAsia so instead of the usual landing at Narita International Airport, I landed at Haneda Airport.

Narita is definitely bigger and better as the primary international airport serving Greater Tokyo Area of Japan, but for most Tokyoites, they prefer Haneda due to its close proximity to the metropolis. 

My flight was due to land at 11 pm. Trains from the airport ceased operation around midnight. There was a possibility for a flight delay or the long immigration process. With these in mind, I didn't book any accommodation that night cos I was afraid I wouldn't make it in time for the last train. Would just hang out at the terminal.

While queuing at the immigration check point, I took a map of the airport to get an idea on where to spend the night. There are 5 floors altogether at the terminal building so I had a lot of options. But my phone battery was dying so as soon as I cleared the immigration, I headed to the arrival lobby looking for a place to charge my phone.

There is an area at the lobby to charge your phone, laptop or other gadgets. There is free WiFi as well at the terminal building. So I just sat at the lobby, whatsapping family and friends back home while waiting for my phone to be fully charged.

It was almost 12.30 am when I was done. I thought of going to the upper floors to find a place I could hang out and sleep later, but then I looked at my bags and changed my mind. Malas ok. There were rows of chairs just next to the charging area and I saw some people already sleeping soundly on some of the chairs.

Hmmm... I've got company. It was an open area but it was already quiet by then. So without thinking much further, I walked to one of the empty row of chairs and joined them in lalaland.

Sleeping in the open, of course I didn't get a good sleep. Tidur-tidur ayam je. I was fully awake by 5 am as passengers arriving or catching an early morning flight started to walk past the area. I quickly neaten my belongings and headed to the nearby wash room to freshen up myself. Didn't wanna scare them with my just-woke-up face. hehe..

what I love about the toilets in Japan

Anyway, there's a private resting area and shower room as well in the same area.

Done with my business, I headed to the Keikyu Railways station. It's at the same level as the international terminal arrival lobby. There's signboards everywhere (in Japanese and English) so you don't have to worry to get around.

Fret not.. English menu is available

Get the ticket from the ticketing machine and you're ready for the metropolis!


  1. So glad to read this post! I'm also Malaysian and am planning to visit Tokyo by AirAisa alone for the first time in November. Was wondering if I can sleep at the airport because the flight arrives late at night. Hope I can get some tips/advice on the airport surroundings and Tokyo from you if I do go.

    1. U can book Toyoko Inn kuko 1 or 2 for a stay.These budget hotel near airport and shuttle bus provided. Last bus is 12.30am.Anyway, double check with hotel for last shuttle bus

  2. @Eldrin : No problem.. Just ask me anything, will try to help if I can :)

  3. i love toilet in Tokyo also...aduhh rindunyer kat tokyo bile baca ur blog :)

  4. Shower room tu public style or private style ye ? Selesa tak mandi kat Haneda Airport ? Thank you ;)

  5. @QISSCHOCS: sorry I tak sure about it cos I tak masuk pon shower room tu. pagi terus pegi hostel and shower at the hostel :) but I guess it should be private.

  6. I must say thank you for all these useful info. I will be going to tokyo early next month, therefore was googling around on "sleepover at haneda" and found this blog. very useful indeed!

  7. i will going on this month then i really blur for it.. I wondering is it easy for me to take the train to haneda airport??
