
May 25, 2013

Myanmar : Street Life in Yangon

Apart from participating in the marathon and going to Shwedagon Pagoda, I actually didn't have any plans on how to spend my days in Myanmar. Bagan and Mandalay were out of the picture since I only had 4 days (minus arrival and departure days). So I decided to spend my days in Yangon, without a proper itinerary in mind.

Looking at the city map, I still have no idea on where to go. There's a few attractions in Yangon, some are within walking distance from my hotel and some require taxi rides. I was lazy to hop in and out of the taxi to all those places.

So one day, I just walked along the streets...

trishaw puller waiting for riders

the local men wear longyi, Myanmar's kain pelikat I suppose?

school day finished

One thing I noticed in Yangon was the use of small plastic chairs and tables. Numerous sidewalk cafes and street vendors spread out the small tables and chairs beneath a row of trees or canopies.


I could see that much of Yangon's social life takes place here. They're where friends meet, politics is discussed and business conducted. Though somehow I imagined it's like giants chillaxing at dwarfs' cafes. -_-

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