
March 31, 2013

Aquaria KLCC

I haven't been diving since my last trip to Perhentian Island. I miss the underwater world! 

So last month, during Chinese New Year holiday, I went to Aquaria in KLCC. Brought my niece along this time!

We went there early in the morning but as it was a public holiday, queues were already forming up at the ticket counters. Luckily, we already bought the tickets online so we could skip the queue. Just need to exchange the email print out for the actual ticket at the special counter.

Aquaria takes its visitors on a journey of discovery; from the source of water in the highlands to the flowing river and the ultimate destination, the sea. So, they divided the exhibits to several themed areas; such as The Highlands, Touch Pool, The Electric Zone, The Stream, Jewels of the Jungle, Flooded Forest, The Coast, Oceanarium, Weird and Wonderful and finally, the Discovey Zone.

Enjoy the pictures!

horseshoe crab or in Malay, belangkas

 sea cucumber

bamboo shark

electric catfish


freshwater alligator

little niece saying hi to the water rat

Throughout the day, feeding sessions are also available where you'll get to see how the fishes eat as they are fed by the divers.

feeding session

so cute!

Oh... since it was Chinese New Year holiday, the park management decided to spice up the day and entertained the crowds with an underwater lion dance.

So unique and interesting!

sisters and little niece 

Throughout the park, I especially loved walking through the transparent underwater tunnel. The 90m long tunnel lets you see and observe underwater creatures such as sharks, rays, turtles and many other species. Made me miss diving even more!

gangster gila muka dia.. haha

Giant Stingray

sand tiger shark

Can you imagine how big they really are?! :O

 lion fish

giant grouper

green sea turtle


 my beloved nemo and friends

Japanese Spider Crab


potbelly seahorse

 sea jellies

Little niece enjoyed her first meeting with the sea creatures. Or was it her aunties yang over excited? hehe... 

Anyway, it's a great learning experience for both adults and kids. So next time you're in KL, do spend a couple of hours here.

Aquaria is open daily.
The park opens from 10.30 am to 8 pm. 
Entrance fees are:
Adult : RM38 (with MyKad) or RM50 (without MyKad)
Child: RM28 (with MyKad) or RM40 (without MyKad)
Senior Citizen : RM28 (with MyKad) or RM30 (without MyKad)
Direction: Concourse Level, KL Convention Centre. 

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