
June 1, 2012

Cuti-cuti Malaysia : Diving in Sipadan (part 1)

So last year I did my Open Water diving license on Tioman Island. But my license became just another card in my purse as after that, I didn't go diving anywhere cos I was busy with work. Then one day I saw my ex-colleague posted some underwater photos on Facebook. She just did her Open Water and Advance Open Water license on Sipadan! Oh my.. I was so jealous cos Sipadan is always regarded as heaven for divers. It is regularly ranked as one of the top ten diving destination in the world. Be proud Malaysians!

We met during one of my colleagues' wedding and we talked nothing except diving that night. Of course she never stopped talking about how beautiful Sipadan was. We met again a few weeks later and still, she couldn't stop talking about Sipadan. Bitch! I hate her for making me jealous. hahaha...

Then after new year she suddenly asked me whether I wanted to go to Sipadan with her. You should know my answer la kan. So Sipadan.. here I come!!!

Usually when I travel, I like to arrange things or get very involved with the planning. But this time around, everything was booked and arranged by her. Our accommodation, diving operator, flight ticket and whatnot. I just applied the annual leaves, packed my bag and met her at LCCT.

Going to Sipadan, you have to take a flight to Tawau and from Tawau, make your way to Semporna. Taxi from Tawau airport to Semporna will cost you RM150. We booked our dive package with Scuba Junkie so we already arranged with them to be picked up at the airport with a minivan. The fare depends on how many person rides the minivan, the more people they pick up the lesser you pay.

I fall asleep as soon as the minivan started to move but the journey from the airport to Semporna took approximately an hour. We reached Semporna at around 10pm. The town was already dead by then.

We spent the night at Scuba Junkie Dive Lodge, Scuba Junkie's accommodation in Semporna.

This Ensuite room cost RM70 per room per night which includes breakfast.

Done with breakfast, we went to Scuba Junkie dive shop which is just in front of the lodge.

Paid our diving package and accommodation on Mabul Island. Just to let you know, you cannot overnight on Sipadan Island so if you plan to go diving or snorkelling there, you have to stay on the nearby islands. I didn't know about this if my dad didn't tell me. You see, I was fooled before. Another colleague of mine went honeymoon at Sipadan Water Village and I saw her photos. Damn jealous again cos I thought it was Sipadan I also wanna goooo!!

Well... I thought the resort was on Sipadan Island but only during this trip I found out that the resort is actually located on Mabul Island. Confusing ok. I guessed they were originally located on Sipadan Island but had to be relocated on Mabul Island after the move out order. All the on-site dive and resort operators were ordered to move their structures off the island by 31st December 2004 in an effort to preserve the island's pristine state.

At about 8am, we made our way to the jetty. Soo excited!

Boat ride from Semporna jetty to Mabul Island took around 45 minutes. We arrived at Mabul Beach Resort jetty and straight away took our rented dive equipments. We were going to dive at 9am. Woot!

But Imma blog about the dive trips later. Showing you Mabul Beach Resort first. This resort is under the same management with Scuba Junkie so if you sign up for a diving course or dive trips with Scuba Junkie you will stay here (or at the Dive Lodge in Semporna if you prefer to be based there).

jetty to Mabul Beach Resort

reception + dining hall + bar

They don't serve seafood here as their motto is "Fish are friends, not food". So if you are a seafood lover, you have to tahan for a few days la. Don't worry if you're a vegetarian, they do prepare some foods for the vegetarian. :)

buffet are served here

dining hall

the bar

live band

This was our home for 4 days, Ensuite fan room at Mabul Beach Resort. It is RM115 per person per night including meals - breakfast, lunch, tea break and dinner. I think it was quite reasonable.

Okay.. going diving now! Bloop bloop bloop...

Continuation : Part 2.


  1. no uw pictures in this entry, but i'm sure it will be awesome..okeh, i dah tak sabar nak tengok next entry..dh start jeles ni..;)

  2. yantie: u have diving license too? dah dive kat mana? :D

  3. few islands kat malaysia jek..mabul, tioman, perhentian, redang, bidong..most of the time pegi tioman..sbb tioman cantik..:)

  4. nice! dah banyak tempat u dive. :)
    yup tioman mmg cantik! i buat license kat sana mmg best! i belum sampai lagi redang and perhentian. maybe next trip :D

  5. Hmm.. Nice place for spending my holidays...
