
December 31, 2011

30 things to do before 30

Well instead of writing about new year resolution, I wanna write about what I want next year. I was hanging out with my friends one night when we talked about travelling. Lisa wanted to do solo travelling. She said that is one of her things to do before 30. Oh yeah.. we’re gonna hit the number 3 next year. :o Then Mel added, as for her, she wanted to travel to India before she hit the big 3-0. That got me thinking. What do I wanna do before I hit that big 3-0 myself?

I thought through the night, and hence... this list!

1. Solo travelling – DONE
2. Backpacking in Europe and India
3. Travel to all 13 states and 3 federal territories in Malaysia
4. Go to all 4 Disneylands in the world
5. Get a scuba diving license – DONE
6. Further study
7. Run a full marathon – DONE
8. Take part in a triathlon
9. Conquer Mount Kinabalu
10. Sky diving
11. Bungy jumping
12. Learn to ski or snowboard
13. Purchase property somewhere
14. Eliminate my debt (credit card, car and study loan)
15. Khatam Quran
16. Reach 50kg again!
17. Master an amazing dish (since I am not a good cook!)
18. Record my life in videos, photos, writing – DONE
19. Dye my hair a crazy color
20. Schedule a health check up
21. Do volunteer work
22. Fall in love
23. Get a new job
24. Plant a tree
25. Help a stranger - DONE
26. Make profit from my used items – DONE
27. Appear on national television – DONE
28. Sing on stage in front of a crowd – DONE
29. Write for medias – DONE
30. Buy my own Chanel

Looks like I’ve only done 9 items from that list. I don’t think I can achieve all those 30 items before my 30th birthday next year but well.. I have a lifetime to achieve it right? Damn I feel so old... but I’ve been saying this “Age ain’t nothing but a number” to console myself. Hahahaha...

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, whoever you are, my readers. :)


  1. its just a number dear....heyy...look at me....35 oredi...but never take it as a burden hahahahaa....yg penting kita enjoys!!!

  2. yup yup... enjoy! yang penting hati muda.. hahhaha

  3. 5 disney theme park..shanghai is going to have 1 soon!

  4. axiao: seriously? waa i must plan a trip to shanghai then! :D

  5. I’m delighted to let you know that you have been included in the list of young women smart enough to write 30 goals before 30 posted at . Hope you like it.
