
August 8, 2011

Shape & Men's Health Night Run 2011

Nothing new in this run except I managed to convince my friend, Lisa, to run her first 12.3km. 

She initially wanted to run in the fun run category, but my sister and I asked her to run the 12.3km category. After much persuasion (well not really persuasion.. it was kinda like motivation.. hahaha).. she gave in. 

After this 21km pulak jom beb!

my colleagues

I also convinced my colleagues, Pian and Adam, to run their first 12.3km. Looks like I motivated a lot of people eh? :D

Hunny Madu and Hafiz of FlyFM emceeing the event
my sister and I

Anyway, this run will always be my favorite run. Because its goodies bags are awesome! Kenko Fish Spa, Juice Works.. I like! The only thing I don’t like about it is the medal is only for the first 100 finishers in each category. Dang! Judging by the speed I’m running, I don’t stand a chance at all to collect a medal from this run. T_T

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