
August 30, 2011

It's time to celebrate...

Ramadhan just left us. How fast time goes by kan? I am so sad. But at the same time, I am thankful for God has given me another opportunity to celebrate this meaningful day with my loved ones.

I'd like to wish everyone I know Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Sorry for all my wrongdoings and if ever, my writings hurt you in any way, thousand apologies for that.

Will be celebrating Hari Raya in KL. I know most people think raya in the city is boring but hey, home is where the heart is. And KL is my beloved hometown. Also, what matters is that you have your family with you.

I will be going to France on the 7th raya and then followed by USA after that for work meetings. Couldn't thank my bosses enough for the opportunities. Gonna miss a lot of open houses for sure but at the same time, I'm excited!!

Till then, SELAMAT HARI RAYA loves!


  1. narif: I gi san diego. yg i cakap nak gi texas aritu dah postponed. maybe november kot. kalau jadi i'll let u know. uishh u dok US nak jeles buat apa. hehehhe...

    kak june: i ni pon kuli je.. huhu..

  2. Hi rara...enjoy your raya & hols..

    maaf zahir & batin :)

  3. fatt & kak monik: selamat hari raya to u too!! :)
