
June 27, 2011

Twenty Eight

Got inspired to do this entry after Kenny Sia. He did it every year during his birthday. And I thought it's a very good idea, to reflect what have I done and achieved in the last one year. And I can set a target of what do I want to do in the next one year.

So yeah.... this is the 28 Things I Did When I Was 28.

1. Celebrated my 28th birthday running a half marathon.

2. Crossed the KLCC Skybridge.

3. First time watched a Malay theatre.

4. Met Siti Nurhaliza. Not a fan but at least I can brag that I’ve a picture with Malaysia’s no 1 songbird. Hahaha ;p

5. Travelled to Japan. Got to watch the hanabi, bon odori and genki matsuri.

6. First time wearing a kimono and yukata.

7. Had my first set of yukata, a gift from my friends in Japan. ♥

8. Celebrated Hari Raya wearing a yukata.. hahaha

9. Ran my longest run in Newton Challenge. Hopefully I'll be able to run full marathon before my next birthday.

10. First time trying the Korean food and loved it ever since.

11. Learnt Japanese (officially). Haha.. I've been working in a Japanese company for more than 5 years and only learning the language on my own through books and audio materials. Now I can write and read Hiragana, Katakana and understand some Kanjis. Yeay!

12. Travelled to Qatar again.

13. Travelled to Turkey and was awed by the beauty of Istanbul, Cappadocia, Pamukkale and many more.

14. Up up and away in a hot air balloon in Turkey. This is real hot air balloon ok. Takda tali sangkut kat tanah.

15. Took part in one of the biggest marathon in the world. 60000 participants yo!

16. Went to Universal Studio Singapore.

17. Learnt how to swim. Better late than never ey?

18. Ate foie gras and escargot.

19. Conquered Bukit Tabur for the second time.


20. Ran on the F1 race track at Sepang International Circuit.

21. Got a promotion at work. Alhamdulillah... :D

22. Climbed up 2058 stairs of KL Tower.

23. Went to a spa in KL.. ;p

24. Flew to Tioman. The last time I was there was 13 years ago!

25. I am a certified Open Water Diver. Woot woot!

26. Was langkah bendul-ed by lil sis. 

27. Took part in Nokia's Guinness world records in the most number of people playing Angry Birds in a mobile phone game relay.

28. Watched The Sound of Music stage musical. 

I am 29 today. OMG one more year to the big 3-0. -_-"


  1. whoahhh banyak betul achievement ko mun! mmg live life to the fullest la hihi best2 :D happy belated birthday mun! ;)

  2. hey rara,
    i bet u enjoyed last year very much & hope it's still not too late to wish you Happy Birthday :)

  3. kak kerton: thanks kak kerton.. aku banyak buat activity untuk mengisi masa lapang.. hehe

    fatt: thanks dear. yup.. enjoyed my year.. tapi actually ada jugak cerita sedih.. tapi malas nak tulis..

  4. gempak! gempak!!!
    aku paling suka hot air balloon tu!! :D

  5. mas: hot air balloon tu memang terbaekkk wehh!! dah la tempat yang aku pergi tu cantik gila! nanti aku post gambar lagi.
