
October 1, 2010


Today is the 1st of October. We are in the 4th quarter of the year already! How time flies eh? And before we know it, hello 2011! O_o

And also, today will be exactly 50 days away from my big FOUR TWO.

If you ask me how my preparation is, you will get NOTHING for the answer.

I am so f**king lazy to train. I bought the Nike+ Sportband a couple of weeks ago (thanks to the 50% discount offer from registering for the Nike City 10K KL), and it is so cool. Makes me always wanna run to track my performance. But anyhoo, I am still lazy. hahaha...

And now I have other distraction as well.

My sister asked me to visit her in Turkmenistan, and from there, travel to Turkey together during this coming Hari Raya AidilAdha. And that is just a few days before the marathon. I am contemplating to go. But I wanna do my maiden full marathon too. If I go, it means I have to forgo the marathon. The other choice is, I come back early and risk running with a jet lag body. Is it possible? I certainly don't wanna DNF on my first attempt. T_T

Should I stay? Or should I go? Help!!!


  1. you can still have the trip and run.. there's always this so called walking when it comes to your first marathon.. :) its a very good excuse.. :) Happy Trip and good luck on your virgin marathon! :)

  2. Go travel and do your full another time. marathon runs are abundance ! you dont want to try a full without proper training .. not that you cant finish but you might also get injury .. and especially doing on jetlag mode .. half still ok! so have fun and do the full in january, putrajaya night marathon .. no sunburn lagi heheh - give u time to train also !

  3. if i were u, i'd go for turkey :))

  4. kak june & zeroice: thanks for the ideas. dah excited nak do my full. tu yang sayang nak give it a miss.

    fatt: kalau ikut hati memang i'll choose turkey.. but i guess i am tamak wanna do both. hehe

  5. so you doing both??? cayalah babe .. fmvs will be there for you !
