
August 11, 2010


Went to watch CUCI the Musical 2 last Monday at Istana Budaya. I've never watched large scale local musical production other than Enfiniti's, so I was skeptical at first. They had given some benchmark on the industry, no doubt about that. 

The reviews were all good. The show was mad hilarious, as I heard. So, I thought... why not give it a chance? But as positive as I wanted to be, I still took the precautionary measures, which was buying the not-so-expensive ticket. At least I would feel less bitter if the show wasn't up to my expectation...

my sister and I

We managed to grab tickets for the last show of the season.

stuntmans pencuci tingkap

The verdict: CUCI the Musical season 2 rocks!!! 

Afdlin Shauki, Awie, Hans Isaac and Nabil are definitely jokers of the entertainment industry. My stomach had the most exercise ever as I couldn't stop laughing right from the start of the show until it ended. The show was extra long, started around 8.40pm and ended almost 1am, with a 20 minutes intermission, but the audiences were never bored and sleepy from their spontaneous jokes.

team CUCI + CJ

Everyone on the musicals certainly did a great job! I had new respect for Vanida Imran when she started singing. I didn't know that she could sing, and she rapped too! Not only Vanida, Awie changed my perception too. I thought he's great at playing the soft-hearted Jojo. KKN! wahahhahaha...

the team

the talented musicians led by Acis

On our way back, we spotted Dato' Siti Nurhaliza waiting for her driver at the entrance. I am not a big fan of her, tapi saje je nakkk jugak ambik gambar. ;p

Siti N & Siti M

Anyway, I'd definitely watch the musical again if they decide to do season 3! OK..TK! :D


  1. whoa lamanya show tu siti M! tu la, member2 aku yg pegi pun kata best gile. rugi tak dapat pegi huhu.abg jimmy ada ajak aritu. (xde org nak jaga athirah huhu)

  2. fatih: kalau ada season 3 let's jom pegi tengok!
    lady: dia mmg cantik! and dia cakap pon lembut je.. :)

  3. mas, aku tak nampak la pulak Dato' K.. maybe dia pegi amik kereta kot..
