
July 27, 2010

Tourguide v2.0 : Going up the Petronas Twin Towers Bridge

You can read about Tourguide v1.0 here.

I woke up very early last Saturday...

and went jogging at KLCC park. *pat my own back*

A colleague from Japan was in KL for business trip. It wasn't his first time visiting, and he's been here on a few private trips as well. Basically, he's seen pretty much of KL.

But the one place that he didn't have the chance to go yet was going up the KLCC skybridge. So, being a nice host, I decided to fulfill his wish. And my wish too! I've never been up there myself even though KLCC is like my second home. ;p Even when I worked at Petronas Tower 2 sometimes ago, I didn't have the chance to cross the bridge.

Hence, the morning jog at KLCC park before queuing up for the Skybridge tickets.
the queue at 7.30am!

You have to be there really early to secure the tickets. They are given out for free, but it's very limited and on a first-come-first-serve basis.
9am! this was like queuing for concert tickets.. haha

If you're in the front queue, you can choose your preferred visiting time. There were close to 100 people in front of me so I was looking at the TV like watching the stock exchange prices. LOL..
 available slots were updated on this TV

hoping that my preferred time slot hasn't been taken up yet. 
the ticket!

We were given a coloured tag upon registering ourselves for grouping identification.

For security purposes, we had to pass through a security checkpoint which is like those found in airports. After that its off to the high speed lift which only took 41 seconds to reach the 41st floor. That's like 1 second per floor. O_o

We were given 10 minutes to walk through the bridge and did the necessary, snapping pictures! ;p
the skybridge

The weather was clear that day, we certainly had beautiful views of KL.
KLCC park
tourists of the day

However, I think 10 minutes was not enough. We were only halfway through the bridge when our guide announced 'Time's up'. Damn!

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