
July 6, 2010

Dress me, I'm your mannequin

Taking a break from the traveling and running.. let's see beautiful creations by creative people.

I had visits to some of the boutiques around KL recently (or was it months ago? hahaha). Nahhh.. I didn't shop. Is it me or have the designers out there ran out of ideas? Nothing attracts me of late. Okay, there are some clothes that I like, unfortunately it's either the price tag is a tad too high or they don't have my size anymore. (>_<) Or maybe I've become too choosy. So window shopping teman kawan-kawan je la...

Have I told you that I love Mimpikita?

Not because the owners are my friends, but really, their collections are getting better and better each season.

They carry a wide variety of fashion, from traditional, modern to weddings gowns! I especially love their kaftan collection, simple but at the same time, elegant and glamorous. Just what I like. 

feels at home

my crazy gfs! semua perasan model muslimah.. hahahha

Next, MUSA at Avenue K. 

I love the interior design of the boutique. So cantik okay!

They carry international labels such as Cheap Monday, Peter Jensen, House of Holland, Melissa footwear, Linda Farrow eyewear.. just to name a few.

They have a cafe too, but it wasn't opened yet when we were there.. (now u know how long has this entry been overdued.. ;p)

I love their collections! The sad thing is, tak mampu nak shopping kat sini!! T_T


But I had fun hanging out with my bestfriends!


  1. rara..
    akak pun suka tgk mimpikita collection.
    cuma nk pegi bangsar tu tak terpergi jek.
    satu hr nti kene terjah gak kedai mimpikita ni..

  2. kak ella: pegi la.. mesti tak menyesal! hahaha.. kalau nak pergi sama2, let me know.. :D
