
July 21, 2010

Desert Safari

Don't ever leave Dubai without going for a trip to the desert safari.

I heard that a lot from the locals. So we took a tour from Orient Tours for AED400. Quite expensive but for the sake of the experience, pejam mata je lah. T_T

The tour guy picked us up at the hotel around 3ish and after about 45 minutes drive, we arrived at the starting point. 

there were around 40 cars in the convoy

our tour guide released some pressure off the wheels

And then, the fun started when we maneuvered over the dunes, as what they called it, dune bashing.

Going up and down the dunes were really thrilling, like a roller coaster ride.

Along the way we stopped to check out a camel farm

nomnom time.. looked like persidangan unta sedunia.. hahaha

 and then moved to another spot to watch the sunset.

After sunset we were taken to a campsite for the rest of the evening. Here, you can enjoy sandboarding..

I've never skied or snowboarded before so I was a bit scared. The dune was quite high. From the top I could see some of the fellow tourists waited eagerly for us to slide down, all ready with their cameras. Darn! I couldn't afford to jatuh tergolek like nangka busuk in front of them.

So I watched carefully and paid attention to what the instructor said to me, hoping I'd be able to do well. 

show time!

I managed to slide down without a fall and was given a loud clap upon reaching the bottom.. \(^_^)/

Other activities we did at the camp included a ride on the camel..

 haha it was so difficult to get on it

 here we go...

and tried the shisha (ni baru original ;p)...

After dinner, we were whisked to the centre of the campsite and entertained by a belly dancing show. 

For a moment, I was confused. Seeing the dancer danced to the music, shaking her booty and moving her belly with that sexy costume, I wondered whether I was really in an Arabian country? hahahha...

Galaxy and star gazing in the middle of the desert sounded cool. So we spent the night at the campsite

and woke up to a beautiful sunrise.

Now I can leave Dubai in peace.


  1. how come u get to do all these wonderful things?? love the pic of u sliding down the dunes, cool babe !

  2. u can do it too! ajak husband Kak June pegi cuti take a break kejap.. hehe

  3. whoa aku baru tau ada sandboarding k, cool gila aa ko, ada style, hihihi.. overnite kat pdg pasir tu. outrecs ada? nan adoo hihi bile la aku nak sampai niii!

  4. kena buat suggestion kat abg jimmy or abg man la macam ni.. trip pegi padang pasir pulak. hehehe..

  5. This 1 is nice!!
    i wanna go dubai too now!

  6. axiao: go go go! hehe.. highly recommended!
