
May 15, 2010


Will run the New Balance Pacesetters 15km tomorrow.

Sebab tu la baru terhegeh-hegeh nak pergi gym for training. Just wanna show you how the gym looks like. *percubaan meracun the Chickpeas or anybody staying nearby to join*  The more the merrier. Baru la ada motivation nak pergi gym. hehehe...

This gym is rather small compared to my previous one, Fitness First KLCC. But in terms of distance and fees wise, I like it better here. Nearer and cheaper. 

OK I'm off to the treadmill. Toodles.


  1. hello rara... miss u la... lame tak jenguk.. here... i wish im there ... can join the 15km challenge... mesti best kan...bila you nak mai sini melbourne...xx

  2. hey rara, am sure u had a good run kan?? now on to your next half and then ur full ..yeayyyy, see at at scklm .. we must cari each other ok .. nanti kak june message u my number !

  3. RL : tu laa i ni pemalas nak update blog.. hehe.. insya allah one day mesti nak pergi sana jugak.. kumpul duit dulu :)

    Kak june : good run?? adoii.. start je terus bukit.. rasa nak pengsan.. hehe.. lepas ni another half lagi kat sundown pulak. haa nanti gimme ur number k.
