
April 30, 2010

The Virgin Marathoner

My blog/FB friend, cool mommy Kak June started a group on FB for the first time marathoner on this coming SCKLM. They call themselves Full Marathon Virgins (FMV). Nice name ain't it? LOL. As much as I wanted to join, I don't think I'm ready for it. Only 2 months to go, and I haven't done any training yet. Plus, it will be so hot la because SCKLM is during daytime. ;p

I believe the ultimate goal of every runner is to complete a full marathon at least once in their lifetime. It's a daunting task, running non-stop for a total distance of 42.195km. But the personal satisfaction when you cross the finish line is priceless!

I'm just a beginner, with only 3 runs so far. My first time running was during SCKLM '09, participating in the 10km category. I moved up to 21km in PBIM '09. Then, it was another 21km in PNM last February. That's it. And now, I'm already thinking of doing the big FOUR TWO? This girl is really outta her mind.

Reading stories from an ultramom, Haza, really inspires me. She's completed a whopping 9 full marathons to date!! That's really an amazing achievement. And I didn't call her an ultramom for nothing. She's going for the ultra marathon in Sundown next month. That's 84km y'all! I thought only Kenyans runner can do that. But she's gonna prove otherwise. Kak June is ready to become a full-fledged marathon runner in the coming SCKLM. My sister will do her maiden FM in Sundown. So I thought, if they can do it, so can I!

Thus, I've made up my mind. I've signed up. I am ready to lose my virginity this November. *pervert alert LOL*

Wish me luck!!! 204 days to go. I wonder how am I gonna make it as I've never run beyond 21km. I didn't feel anything now, maybe because it didn't sink in me yet. Nanti dah dekat mula la menggelabah labah-labah.

I will not aim for a good finishing time as I know my capability. As long as I finish it, I'll be happy.


  1. Rara, first of all, thanks for highlighting FMV and after this join us so that your name will be on the roll call list :) and congrats on taking the step, you have lots of time to train for it, for now just aim to finish !! i am so proud of you lah - and i will wait for you at the finish line, insyaallah!! go rara , woot woot

  2. hi.. blogwalking n nuff click.. see ya there.. =p

  3. kak june: yeah.. just aim to finish it. like u always said, even if we have to crawl. hehehe

    hazriq: thanx for dropping by :)
