
March 7, 2010

Central to Mid Levels

Apart from the long escalator in Ocean Park, there's another one in Central. Now this one is really long. I mean, really. It covers a distance of 800m. Haaa panjang tak panjang tu... from Central district up to Mid Levels area. But it is not really a full escalator. It actually consists of several escalators that is connected to each other. Together, all these escalators form the longest outdoor covered escalator system.

the Central-Mid-Levels Escalator

This escalator serves as transportation for workers in the morning. It moves downhill from the Mid-Levels to Central from 6-10am. After the morning traffic subsided, it changes direction and starts moving uphill until midnight.

While on my way up, I came across this mosque - Jamia Mosque. I was struck with amazement to find a mosque in the middle of this area.

It is the oldest mosque in Hong Kong and has been considered as one of the heritage buildings in Central District.

Arrived at Mid-Levels area, an upscale neighborhood of condominium towers where the rich reside.


Going to SoHo now. This area is named SoHo since it is located on the South of Hollywood Road. Not small office/home office okay. 


You can find a lot of trendy restaurants and cafes here. Italian, French, Thai, Mexican, Indian, Australian or Japanese cuisines, you name it! Semua ada. Come here at night and chill, it's the most happening place in town other than Lan Kwai Fong.



From SoHo, I walked to Hollywood Road.

the pavement has this logo all the way.. so damn hollywood!

Hollywood Road is Hong Kong's most well-known antique street. The antique shops stretches from the Central District Police Station to Man Mo Temple.

 Central District Police Station

 Hong Kong's colonial heritage

Man Mo Temple

My heritage discovery tour ended with the Western Market in Sheung Wan.




Going back to the MTR, I hopped on the tram. It's locally known as Ding Ding, comel kan?? It's because when it wanna stop, there's the bell which sounds the same.

It's the most economical mode of transportation in Hong Kong. The fare is only HKD2, regardless of the distance.

upper side


the double-decker tram

Finally, stopped here to cuci mata. :D


  1. Next time I want to jalan2 I will seek u for help!!!

  2. the Central District Police Station looks like the Legislative Council old building kan? the one yg dekat2 statue sq HSBC.

  3. kak june - boleh.. no problem! :D

    ernie - a'ah kan? mcm lebih kurang.. esp dia punya arch & tiang2 tu..

  4. rara, u joining energizer run? give me ur email addy please

  5. kak june: sorry baru check blogger. i was away la last 2 weeks. ni baru balik.
