
January 21, 2010

Putrajaya Night Marathon

OK.. I didn't contract the H1N1 virus. But I think I have problems with my stomach or maybe I am suffering functional bowel disorder. After every meal, I will get the call to the toilet. Good, no? Good and bad I must say. I can eat anything and not worry about gaining weight. hahaha.. But the bad side is the pain and discomfort makes me doesn't wanna eat. T_T

Hope all these will go away as soon as possible as I've just registered myself for another marathon.

My second attempt in the 21km challenge. Yeahh!!

The guys from the office were so shocked when I told them I registered for the half marathon category coz they participated for the 7.7km. Don't underestimate those skinny girls you see. Girl Power! hahahha...


  1. greetings !! good luck! have u been running long? i am doing my first half at putrajaya too .. just want to cross the finish line. at my age, finishing is the ultimate goal heheh ..

  2. hi june!
    i baru start.. started with 10km at SCKLM.. then did half at PBIM. this is my 3rd marathon :)
    anyway, good luck to u too! kalau jumpa nanti tegur la :)

  3. eh we started same way, my first run was at SCKLM 10km jugak .. but you menanglah cos u already have one half marathon!! i have done few more but short ones, 6, 7, 10, 12 and 15 heheh .. will surely tegur if see you, do the same ok??

  4. hi rara, i wish you all the best as i'm one of the 7.7km male runner lol :D
