
November 1, 2009

Macau Sightseeing

Upon arriving in Macau, I took taxi to Auguster's Lodge. I didn't book a room since there was a possibility that I was gonna spend the night at Hong Kong. So I just tried my luck, hoping that they had available room or bed that night. Kalau tak, terpaksa la bayar mahal sikit duduk hotel..

Unfortunately the room and beds were fully occupied but the good thing was, the owner of the hostel let me sleep at the common area and he charged me only half the rate of the bed. I paid only HKD120 for 2 nights. Here in this hostel was were I met Bjorn, Fieke and Michal. Bjorn was my 'roommate' as he was also sleeping at the common area. Auguster's Lodge is a small family-run hostel, a shop-lot renovated into 3 rooms and the common area is in the middle. All the backpackers have to cross the area to go to their room, so both Bjorn and I couldn't really sleep until all the people sleep! That night we met Fieke and Michal, who was also solo travelers. With no plans whatsoever, the 4 of us agreed to go sightseeing together the next day.

 In Macau, don't forget to try the famous Portuguese egg tart and the bubble tea.

We spent the morning in Senado Square to have our breakfast, which was only 5 minutes walk from the hostel.

The Square is a popular venue for public events or celebrations in Macau. From there, it was only a short walk to Ruins of St Paul's, Macau's most famous landmark.

This ruins was actually a cathedral back then. Built around 1600, it was among the biggest one in Asia during the time. Unfortunately, it was burnt down later on, but then restored and it is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

 The rear view of the structure

Inside the ruined cathedral

Immediately on the left side of the ruins is the Mount Fortress or Fortaleza do Monte.

The canons are still there..

 From the fortress, you get a very good panoramic view of Macau city.

There's also a museum within the fort.

Next, we went to Guia Hill. It's where the famous Guia Fortress is located. From my Internet info, I know there's a cable car to go up there. However, we couldn't find it from the entrance where we were, so we just walked up the hill. Exercise...

On the way up, we found this tunnel. Must be the hiding place at the fortress back then.

The light house in Guia Fortress is the main attraction of the park. A chapel is also located beside the light house.

We walked around the park, and finally found the cable car. No wonder we couldn't find it before, it is located at the other end of the hill. We took a one-way ride going down the hill for MOP2. 

With the handsome Bjorn... ;p but he's only 21

View from the cable car

There's another park down there, but we were too tired to walk around. So, we vandalized the rides. hahaha...

To be continued....


  1. Hi

    May I know how do you get from St Paul's ruins to Guia Hill? Is it a long hike up the hill?

  2. Hi Jennifer. We walked from St Paul's ruin to Guia Hill. Took us around 30 minutes or so. The hill is not that high, don't worry :)
