
October 19, 2009

We are moving...

It's been only 1 1/2 years since we moved to the new office. The move was only within the same building, from the Mezzanine Floor to the back of the factory. We moved with heavy hearts...

Then new office opening ceremony in April 2008, oh I missed my long hair

....and just when we began to adapt with the new office, we were forced to move again. The office had to give way for the expansion of the production line.

But this time around, we're moving to another building. So berkali ganda la penat kemas and pack barang2 semua.

Esok nampaknye kena budget keluar rumah awal 5 minit sebab office baru jauh sikit. Memang sikit je, around 1km from the old office. Tapi, ada traffic light. Before this, my 38km journey to the office is traffic-light free. Lepas tu, from carpark nak masuk office kena cross jalan pulak.

On another note, today is my 4th year anniversary working with 'make.believe'. Woww!!


  1. so tomoro u guys will start in new office??

    we'll only move end of nov, in the midst of pre-pro date...can die arr!!

  2. wah mun dah 4 tahun ko keje sane eh? misti dah pandai cakap jepun ni hehe.
    eh aku ternampak mat razip di sittew ;p

  3. axiao - yup yup.. today in new office. later u guys sure die lorr... have to pack a lot of big tvs!

    fatih - dah 4 tahun tak pass2 lagi ni.. belajar asyik separuh jalan je.
    ko ada jumpa mat razip ke? kirim salam kat dia. sombong betul sejak dah resign..

  4. hey hey, pindah mane plak ni? the other plant ke?

  5. a'ah babe.. pindah north plant. office baru ada tingkap boleh tengok pemandangan luar.. hahahha
