
October 14, 2009

Happy Feet

It's been a long time since I last went for a session of pedicure. I think it was 2-3 years back, with Alisa, which was also our first time trying. So, bila Dayah tiba-tiba ajak pegi lepas open house Afidah, apelagi terus la on je. Taktau pulak Dayah suka girly-girly activity macam ni. Dayah kan ganas..hahahah... kalau tau dah lama aku ajak. I memang suka activity mem-pamper diri macam ni. hehehe... Kalau boleh every month nak pergi buat tapi takde geng.


Went to Chic Nail Spa at Bangsar Village. Upon entering, only then I discovered that the nail salon is owned by Soong Ai Ling, the celebrity. The outlet has a gorgeous Parisian interior design, quite posh for a nail salon but I like it. Rase macam tai-tai gitu. hahahaha... 

Nampak tak my kaki yang berbelang tu? Tu sunburn from my Hong Kong trip tak hilang-hilang lagi.


I paid RM45 for an express 30 minutes session, quite above the average fee, but I am satisfied with the service and the end result. Definitely walked out with a happy feet.

If you wanna go there, it's located at 1F-22, Bangsar Village II. Tel: 603-2282 5972


  1. makcik tu mmg bz memanjang. ko tak datang open house mimpikita aritu.. kalau tak bleh jumpa.
