
July 17, 2009

Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009

Fuhh.. I couldn't believe I woke up at 4.30am just to run. Semangat seh... hahahha...

With 12500 participants flocking Dataran Merdeka, my sister and I decided not to drive as traffic around the area for sure will be congested and parking area will be full to the max. So we opted for special Rapid KL bus from Ampang LRT station.

Fetched my sister's friends. Guess what? One of them rupenye was LJT, my senior in SMTM. What a small world. I thought he didn't know me coz from what I remembered, we never talked to each other. But maybe he knew me from Najah's pics.

We catched the 5.20am bus and arrived at Dataran Merdeka around 5.45am. The crowd is already building up as the 21km half marathon will start at 6.15am.

It's still early for us as 10km race will only start at 7am. Ni semua my sister la yang takut sangat bus tu penuh la apa la.. Patut naik 6am bus pon ok lagi. Ni rushing gila keluar rumah at 5am sampai I tak sempat nak breakfast. So I went to the nearby 7-11 at Masjid Jamek LRT station to buy something to fill in my stomach. Not that far but not that near also. Kira warm up sekali la tu.

The starting line

Run baby run

The only picture of me by the official photographer. Cehh...

I managed to finish the race in 1 hr 31 minutes. Woohoo!! Woohoo la sangat kan.. hahahha... The winner for female category finished the race in 44 minutes. She already crossed the finish line while I was only halfway there. But still, it's 9 minutes earlier than my estimated time. Based on my personal record of 5km in 50 minutes, I expected to finish 10km in 100 minutes (1 hr 40 minutes). But it's still not good enough as my sister finished the race in 1 hr 15 minutes. Damn insulting coz I always thought I am much more fitter than her.

Macam terer je dapat medal kan? hahah.. actually all finisher will get it.

This is my overall result. hahaha.. teruk nye.

It's okay. I will definitely take part in next year's race to better my result.

In fact, I'm thinking of doing it earlier by participating in Singapore's edition of the marathon in December. Anybody interested to join me?

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