
June 18, 2009

Countdown to Race Day...

10 more days to go for the marathon!

I have blisters all over my feet hasil berjalan tak ingat dunia. Aiyooo... macam mane nak lari ni?
Hope it's gone by next week.

Run fever has hit me. Tiba2 gatal nak masuk semua running events yang ada this coming July.

25th July : Shape Night Run

Am I crazy?? hehhehe...


  1. Babes... this is good activities....
    good job babes....!!!

    me pon planning nak lari my first marathon kat melbourne.... sometimes before puasa tak silap.... tapi 10KM je....

  2. hehe sis, i pon masuk 10km je. tak mampu lagi ler nak lari full marathon 42km. mau pengsan tgh jalan.
