
April 29, 2008

Indonesia : Bandung Trip - Day 3

Continuation from here ...
I woke up early jugak today.. hmm... Body clock dah biasa ikut waktu Malaysia kot.. huhu

Today is sightseeing day.. our destination is Mt. Tangkuban Perahu. The journey took about 1 hour. Jalan nak pergi sini sangat horror ok... dah laa jalan kecik, dgn steep corner nya. Entrance fees for tourist is actually rp35k and for the local is rp12.5k.. Somehow Tomy berjaya negotiate dgn orang yg jaga entrance tu so kitorang bayar local fees.

The view is gorgeous! Subhanallah...

Tapi yg tak best nya.. banyak betul pengikut2... They will follow you even though you already said you don't want it. Maka nya saya pon hangin lerr! Straight away I said 'TAK NAK!' dengan sangat keras.. taktau lerr dia paham ke tak.. tapi lepas tu dia terus blah.. takut kot.. sori lerr.. I can't control my anger.. huhu..

Tomy cakap we must make a move before 12pm.. coz nanti udara kat situ not healthy.. So lepas puas amik gambar+shopping, we headed to Sari Ater Hot Spring..

Tapi pastu we decided taknak masuk coz tgk gambar.. dia pool aje.. mcm duduk melepak tepi swimming pool.. bosan la! Macam not worth it bayar entrance fee rp14.5k.. but from the pics I saw on the Internet, ada sungai, kolam etc. boleh lepak macam picnic.. maybe kat dalam2 lagi kot sbb actually it's a resort.

Next, our destination is Kampung Daun for lunch. sangat cantik OK tempat ni.. The concept here is there's individual huts and you can choose whether you want to have your lunch/dinner next to a waterfall or river or on a hill! Very nice view. And the pricing pon not that expensive.. our total bill divided by 6, we paid only around rp100k per person.. ni kalau kat KL ni mesti seratus lebih ni per person..

Masa makan, hujan! So terpaksa laa cancel our plan nak pergi Strawberry Farm...
Note for next trip : pergi Sapu Lidi pulak n Strawberry Farm

So balik town and continue shopping! This time we went to Jalan Dago (Jl. Ir. H. Juanda) and Jalan Riau (Jalan L.L.R.E. Martadinata) . There's a lot of FOs along these 2 streets, but we only went to these outlets coz we were short of time.. Nevermind, I will explore the other outlets next year!

But for my conclusion.. RUMAH MODE is still the best! hhehehe..

Hasil borongan di FO..

Total damage done on 3rd day shopping = rp1316k

Then we went to Cihampelas Walk.. nak celebrate besday Fizah. Me and Farah bought a cake, then jalan2.. tapi tgk mcm takde restaurant yg sesuai.. simpan laa dulu cake tu.. We also bought JCo! heheheh.. nak rasa yang original from Indon! hehehhe..

Had our dinner at Ampera.. and then sbb suma dah letih and nak packing, we decided to go back to the hotel. Tapi we asked Tomy kalau boleh panggilkan orang utk datang massage.. We were charged rp70k per hour.. tapi dia massage pon so-so jek.. hmm...

Lepas tu sibuk ler mempacking barang2 nak bawak balik... pening jugak coz my barang sooo banyak! Pening fikir camane nak bahagi2 kan barang masuk bag mana .. hehhehe..

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