March 10, 2013

Japan : Visa Application

Update : 1 July 2013

Exemption of Visa for Malaysian Nationals holding biometric passport with an embedded microchip that is compliant with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) standards starting from 1 July 2013

1. From 1st July 2013, the Government of Japan has decided to abolish the requirement of short-term visa for Malaysian Nationals who hold ordinary biometric passports with embedded microchip that is compliant with ICAO standards (issued since February 2010) who wish to enter Japan for short-term stay. Those who do not hold such passport are remain advised to obtain a visa to enter Japan.

2. In accordance with the visa exemption, the duration of stay in Japan to be given to Malaysian Nationals at that time of entry inspection will be for maximum 90 days.

3. When you enter Japan, your entry permit will be issued at the entry point by the Japan immigration. Please take note that you might be asked about your purpose of visiting Japan or requested to submit necessary documents e.g return flight tickets etc.
Just came back from the Land of the Rising Sun.

Starstrucked seeing a Maiko in Gion.. haha

I've been to Japan a few times before this. But all trips were on work purpose since I am working with a Japanese MNC. On all occasions, my visa application was a breeze since I only needed to fill in the application form, submit the visa photo, passport, company letter and the invitation letter from the Headquarters in Japan to the company's travel agent and they handled everything. 

But this time, I went to Japan on my own. Yeah.. I love that country so much that I was willing to fork out my own money even though I can go there for free during business trips. I could easily asked the company's travel agent to help me with the visa application but for once, I wanted to try to apply it myself since I heard it's hard to get the visa to Japan.

So.. is it really hard??

Well.. from my experience, not really.
The hardest part maybe just to make sure I have sufficient money in my bank account. haha...

So, here's what you need.

1. Passport
 Original passport with more than 6 months validity.

2. Application form
 1 set of the visa application form. You can download it here.

3. Photo
1 photo (4.5 cm x 4.5 cm) with white background. The photo must be taken within 6 months from the visa application.

4. Itinerary
1 copy of the itinerary form (stating schedule of the visitor). You can download it here.
Fill in:
a) All the dates of your visit. 
b) Your activity in Japan. No need to put the details, just an idea of where you are heading to while you are in Japan - e.g Sightseeing Tokyo, Sightseeing Kyoto etc.. 
c) Your own mobile number or the number of the person you are visiting.
d) Accommodation/Place to stay. There's no need to show proof of hotel/hostel reservation so just write your potential hostel or hotel should be fine.    

5. Company letter / Current employment letter
Just to make sure that you are earning enough to support your trip and that you will return home because you have a commitment back home.
The letter (using company letterhead) must include:
a) Your position in the organization
b) Department in the company
c) Length of service
In case you are not working, you have to provide a letter showing how your expenses in Japan will be borne.

6. Personal savings account
You need to present a certified copy of your account's latest statement, either:
a) Personal savings
b) Fixed deposits
c) Tabung Haji
d) ASB
Do photocopy the main page to show your name and account number and most importantly, the current balance's page. Then get them certified at the banks.
As for the amount that you need to have, I actually don't know. I heard people said you should have a minimum of RM6,000 in your account. Can't confirm it though.. but I guess it's sufficient.

7. Proof of relationship
I didn't need this but if you are visiting with family, you need to show proof of the relationship e.g marriage certificate and birth certificates for the children.

Pheww... quite a lot of things huh?

Once you've gotten everything ready, arrange them in the above sequence and submit them to: 

The Japanese Embassy
Persiaran Stonor
Off Jalan Tun Razak
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-2177 2600

If you are lucky you can get the limited parking lots in front of the embassy. Or park at your own risk along the road. Alternatively, you can take the LRT and stop at Ampang Park station. From there, it's around 10 minutes walk.   

Working hours:
Monday ~ Friday
8.30 am - 12 pm
2 pm - 4 pm

The visa is free of charge anyway. It will be ready in 3 working days if your application is approved.

gahhh I always hate my visa photos

If you notice, my visa is a multiple entry visa and it is valid for 3 years. Yeayy!! Saves me all the hassles for future trips.

Usually you will be granted a single entry visa which is valid for only 3 months but you can apply for the multiple entry visa if you are a Malaysian living in Malaysia, have visited Japan in the past 3 years, and are employed with good financial status.

The documents needed are basically same as the single entry visa application, you only need to add:
1. Document which can prove your current residential address. You can use your bills, receipts etc.
2. Reason for requesting multiple entry visa. You can download the form here.
3. Your travelling record to Japan in the past 3 years. Provide a photocopy of previous entry and departure records stamped on your passport.
4. Evidence to prove that you posses good financial status. Not sure how much is considered good but just to be safe, I made sure I had more than RM10,000 in my account.

Don't forget to inform the staff at the counter that you are requesting for a Multiple Entry Visa when you submit the application.

For other requirements on Japan visa application, you can refer here.

Happy applying! Nihon ni ikimashou!!


Ako Retna said...

Bila la dapat jejak ke jepang ni..? huhu

rara said...

anakomak: next week AA free seat! hehe..

枷锁锁 said...

Hi there, i cant download the application form from their official website. Do you mind share it for me? Thank you so much!

rara said...

hi (sorry what's ur name i can't read chinese).. leave your email add and i will email it to you. :)

Mell L. said...

Hello Ms Rara. Would you mind emailing me the application form as well? Thank you. I have trouble downloading it from the website.

ck-property said...

Hi Ms Rara, I can't download the application form, can u e-mail it to me? Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hello Ms Rara. Would you mind emailing me the application form as well? Thank you. I have trouble downloading it from the website too.
this is my email you! =)