
May 1, 2009

My best friend's wedding

I'm happy. But at the same time I'm sad.

Happy for my best friend for she had found her true love. Sad coz I would be missing her. Even though I know Syafiq is one sporting guy, tapi dah jadi isteri orang mana boleh sesuka hati lepak kat luar with the girlfrens kan.

9 years of friendship and still going strong.

She was among my 1st friend in MMU. We were orang2 atasan kat hostel. My room was F223 while hers was F231. That's level 22 and 23! So during orientation utk bebudak hostel, this pretty lady and her roommate knocked my room ajak pegi the activities sama2. Maka bermula la sesi berkenalan and the rest, as they say is history. Eh macam cerita cinta pulak. hahaha...

Friday 17 April... the much awaited akad nikah day after being engaged for almost a year. Ahli geng penindas semua amik cuti demi kawan baik kitorang sorang nih. Bertolak to JB around 10+ and arrived at Afidah's house around 3pm.

Thanx a lot Fidah for being such a great host.

Petang tu we went to Rita's house, to see her one last time before dia bertukar status. Takut malam karang tak sempat jumpa. Then terus practise angkat dulang utk malam tu.

Lepas tu balik sempat lagi singgah Mydin nak cari brooch la, selendang la.. kelam kabut semua bersiap nak mengglamorkan diri. hehehe....

Presenting the pengangkat dulangs.... Alamak tak cukup corum. Fatih hot momma tiada dalam gambar.

Syafiq tengah berdebar sebelum akad nikah.

Dengan sekali lafaz je, my beloved girlfren Rita Rozaidi sah dah jadi isteri kepada Khairus Syafiq Abd Jalil. Alhamdulillah...

Here comes the bride.

Upacara batal air sembahyang and sarung cincin...

Penindas with the bride n groom

Cake cutting ceremony

The next day reception kat The Zon Regency Hotel. Kitorang ada ad hoc job. Rita mintak tolong jadi ushererette, tukang bagi doorgift and also jaga registration of guests sebab relatives dia tak ramai. So we had to be there early buat kerja sikit. Tapi tepat pukul 8.30pm after the couple masuk hall, semua berhenti kerja. Mana boleh miss tengok the ceremony. hehehe...

The celebration continued at Syafiq's side with a reception at Shangri-La Hotel.

Congrats laling! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead as husband and wife.

p/s: I had fun accompanying you looking for your hantarans. From Ferragamo, Gucci, Stuart Weitzman to Aigner, Anya Hindmarch, Cole Haan. Habis 1 KLCC tu kita jelajah. hehehe... Hopefully one fine day when my turn comes, marilah teman aku pulak. :D

1 comment:

  1. oh my god, i almost cried reading the entry! it was so touching coz i can't believe our friendship is still going strong..we had our joy, laughter, craziness together..tgk gamba lagiiii aaa rasa sedey :( i am so going to miss everything we shared! :( but fret not, we will always make time for each other..we will get there i hope..yes, our phase of lives have change, but our friendship won't..thanks so much for being a dear friend of mine..i really appreciate our u to bits words can describe how much our friendship is coz its priceless :)
